Today I'm gonna do something different; instead of a poem or a story, I'm going to write down things to think about when making your character. Members of the Creative Writing Club may notice it's familiar; that's because it's an adaptation of what I found in one of the club meetings. Things I did were modify several questions, and add categories for each set of questions. As well as reordering them. I'm partly doing this because I'll be gone most of today, and partly because I haven't finished any poetry or a chapter in Watching Time, yet. I apologize for my laziness 😴 WHO IS YOUR CHARACTER? First Name: ____________ Last Name: ____________ 3-5 Adjectives that describe your character: ______________ WHAT IS YOUR CHARACTER CAPABLE OF? Strengths: ____________________________ Weaknesses: ___________________________ WHAT DOES YOUR CHARACTER WANT AND WHAT DO THEY DO ABOUT IT? At the start of the story, what is your character's goal? At t...
"Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs." -Proverbs 10:12, NIV Bible