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Blogger Notice Concerning Google+ and Blogger

So, many of you Google+ Users have probably already heard that, in April, Google+ is going to be shut down. Well, now the Google+ shutdown is affecting blogger in a few ways.

In this post, in blue text, I have copied a notification that I got about blogger:

Following the announcement of Google+ API deprecation scheduled for March 2019, a number of changes will be made to Blogger’s Google+ integration on 4 February 2019. 

Google+ widgets: Support for the “+1 Button”, “Google+ Followers” and “Google+ Badge” widgets in Layout will no longer be available. All instances of these widgets will be removed from your blog. 

+1 buttons: The +1/G+ buttons and Google+ share links below blog posts and in the navigation bar will be removed. 

Please note that if you have a custom template that includes Google+ features, you may need to update your template. Please contact your template supplier for advice. 

Google+ Comments: Support for Google+ comments will be turned down, and all blogs using Google+ comments will be reverted back to using Blogger comments. Unfortunately, comments posted as Google+ comments cannot be migrated to Blogger and will no longer appear on your blog. 

Basically, the only way this will effect my blog is Google+ Comments. I know there are at least two people on my blog who use Google+ Comments, and that will hurt them. I checked, no Google+ Comments have actually been removed, yet, so we might be safe there, but I don't think it'll allow you to post Google+ Comments further, so if you're using that to comment, you might want to make a blogger profile or something.


  1. Am I Google+? I have no idea, tbh. XD

    1. No, you use a Blogger Profile. If you don't use Gmail, then I don't think you can use Google+ either

  2. I think I use Google+, right? If I do, how do I use my Gmail or Blogger account without revealing my full name?

    1. You're not using Google+, actually; this is a good change for you, because you kept accidentally using Google+ which revealed your entire name. So, basically, keep commenting as you're commenting, and you'll be fine. Mostly, this was a message to Marysa, who uses Google+, Idk of anyone else using Google+ here, tbh

    2. Hew. Alright, thank you, Mark. :) I thought Google+ was what I was using and then using my full name was my email. I am terrible at these kind of things. Thank you, again.

    3. Well, it may have been your email, Idk. If you have a Google+ account, it links to your Gmail account and so maybe Blogger, which was created by Google, used your Google+ account instead. Idk, I haven't actually gone in-depth with Blogger, I'm just making a semi-educated guess :P

  3. Is mine google? When I go to comment it says "Gabby (Google)" ?

    1. I click your name and it takes me to your Blogger profile, so I don't think you're using Google+

  4. I had no idea that Google+ is shutting down, until reading this. I’m assuming that comments made with Google+ accounts will be deleted soon, and those who comment with their Google account and Gmail are in the clear, which is how I’m reading this. I think.

    :/ This is so confusing, though.

    1. You're using a blogger profile, so you're safe from it; but yeah, Google+ Comments will be erased. Gmail is safe, as is Google, but Google+ isn't

  5. Wait no, that's unfair, hold on it can't shut down, it's all I have

    1. You never used it until this blog, though, right...? Lol

    2. hangouts is part of google +

    3. No, hangouts is part of Google. Google+ is seperate. They can be used together, but hangouts is independent

    4. Ah, but hangouts is still ending btw

    5. I heard that as a rumor; was it confirmed?

    6. Fortunately, it's being rebranded, not shut down.

  6. I need to make a blogger profile then. I'm pretty sure I use Google+.

    1. You're using Blogger, not Google+

    2. I made a blogger profile right after saying that .-.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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