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Welcome to the Mark Borne Nexus! (And Featured Blogs!)

If you wish to read the welcome post, then go to this link.


  1. I can't find where to subscribe.

    1. I haven't added it, yet. I literally created it Monday evening, and tweaked the theme this morning before posting the link, that's it lol
      I'll let you know when I finish working on this (which'll probably be tomorrow or something)

    2. Alright, I have added the subscription gadget. I have also posted my first poem. Enjoy!

  2. Hello, trying to figure out this lol

  3. Replies
    1. Ooh! What's your blog about?

    2. Well, if she's not
      Marysa writes a lot of poetry on her blog; what I'm doing with this blog is more-or-less what she does with hers, except I'll also have story excerpts, encouraging pep talks, interviews, etc.

    3. Lol, sorry, I didn't get the notification. But yea, it's mostly poetry. Sometimes If I write it, a short story

    4. Cool. I read a few of your poems and they are extremely well done. The amount of emotion you put into them is astounding. Keep up the good work. :)

    5. Oh, haha, thank you so much!

    6. I reread these comments...I think literally 100% of the encouraging pep talks I promised are actually Gabby's and from the past 6 months. I really need to get on top of that lol

  4. Replies
    1. I know! It doubled in a week! Lol

    2. Impressive. Most impressive

    3. Ikr? I have a lot of amazing readers! :D

    4. Hopefully I won't pick up any bad readers...

    5. I low key got sam to be one of those amazing readers welp

    6. It's OK, you can always delete bad readers comments!

  5. I've decided to comment on every post since you are away just to be a nuisance.

  6. Replies
    1. !!! I got 1,000 views in 4 days! :D
      I love my awesome readers!

    2. it's only awesome 'cause it's got a awesome writer

    3. Well, the readers like what they read, so they stay. I write what I think. It's awesome that they like my unique themes, like people onions! :D Seriously, anyone can write poetry, not many take the time to actually read it, thus why my readers are way cooler than me! Lol

    4. Hence why it took me a year to get to 111 followers, though many of them (like 60-70+) all came recently.

    5. And now thanks to you and your blog, I may get even more readers! :D Thanks!

    6. Aw, supporting each other! My follower count is 1, but I placed the widget their a few days ago. :P

    7. I'm following, too, but I'm following via email, so I'm invisible to you :P That's the downside, if they don't follow via Blogger, you can't view them via Blogger, so I've got followers, I just have no clue how many XD

    8. Ah, OK. I did the literal follow, which so far is 3. Or is it 5? Because there is a account name with 3 people's names in it!

    9. It'd be one; I know who it is :)

  7. 4000 views! Also, I love the new layout. One suggestion, make the "Welcome to the Mark Swift Nexus!" larger font and add the 's at the end of swift

  8. 6000 VEIWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I just literally found out that my blog is up here. I had no idea. Thank you so much, Mark. I was pretty surprised to be honest, but again, thank you! This really made my day. :)

  10. Replies
    1. -shrug- I did beat you at that riddling contest we had :)

  11. Cool blog! Any chance you can place me in the "Featured Blogs?" That would be awesome! A blog crossover! :P

    1. I am making the page right now...

    2. Also if anyone else want's to feature on my blog let them know please!

    3. Wait maybe we can have a literal crossover! It just hit me!

    4., literal crossover, or literary crossover? Lol

    5. Either one. For example, a 2 part story, part 1 on someones blog, part 2 on the other!

    6. Ooooooh, nice! :D That sounds really cool!

    7. But what story would it be... We have to compromise more than I thought!

    8. A story about a cactus wishing he was a tumbleweed :D
      Lol Jk

    9. :p
      Or, we could simply work together on a story, and then post it on both blogs!
      OHH! Maybe we could even get Gabby in this! She's a good writer! Extremely talented! Awesome! Amazing!
      And I was rambling, wasn't I?
      We can clearly get her help! And anyone else who wants to help!

    10. Anyone else who wants to help can join, because I started specifying one specific person...
      I always do these things! :P

    11. I might be able to help, depending on what the story is. Though I admit that a cactus wishing to be a tumbleweed sounds HIGHLY intriguing... :P Not exactly, but hey it'll be interesting dialogue. -shrugs-
      Seriously, though, I might be able to help with this.

    12. ...hmm...not a half-bad idea :/ Either we should try to do it in the next week-ish or in the summer, because I have way too much on my plate already and if it coincides with my Spring Collaborative Writing Thingy, I might irresponsibly do less school than I should :P

    13. Probably in the summer, then. But I am ahead in my work, though.

    14. Ok, so not for now. But, go to my blog, then go to the contact and support area. Simply email me!
      A. You want to start this collab
      B. So I can add you to my contacts
      C. So you can become a author on my competitions blog
      D. All of the above!

    15. Lol I'll think about it; my parents aren't too keen on me emailing people they don't know, though

  12. Hey, look at that, you're over 20,000 views! I think it'll definitely reach 24,000 at this point. Told you it will double from 12,000. :D

    1. You said in a month, and it's a bit over a month, so I still win :)

      But yes, it is climbing faster than I thought!

    2. *Smacks forehead* D'oh! I forgot about that part... Okay, yeah, yeah, you win. I think I should stop making bets. Lol. They never turn out well for me. :)

    3. This is the first time it worked out for me :P

    4. Well, the odds were certainly in your favor. XD
      But, yeah, I'm no longer betting. Lol.

    5. If you're like me, then you say that now, but you'll change your mind and lose again, and repeat the cycle XD

    6. Ugh, that DOES sound like something I would do. Hmm... Decisions, decisions. I'd say that we should bet on this possibility, but that just perpetuates the cycle. But then again, I'll just lose anyway. It's too obvious. Lol.

    7. Here's a paradox: bet that you'll lose your next bet :D

      Then, you're gonna obviously win your next bet since you'll inherently lose, but then you've won, so obviously you've lost your bet, but then since you've lost your bet, it turns into a win, and it goes on for eternity! :D

    8. Gah, I don't know what's more confusing, the fact that I understood this entirely or that this actually makes sense, this paradox. Well, then, I'll totally take on this bet!

      Wait a minute... So, I'll win and lose, and then win and lose. So, then I lose and you win, considering that I would lose my next bet. Oh, man, this paradox covers just about everything! :P

    9. Yay! I was just making that page XD

    10. Also, betting tip: Make sure you KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING! :P

    11. Lol Yes, knowing what you're doing is a good tip XD

    12. That is a great tip, but bets can be impulsive for some people; so not knowing what you are doing, well, backfires sometimes like it did with me. XD

    13. Yeah, bets are unpredictable at the worst times.

  13. Gotta say, this is one AWESOME blog!

    1. Thank you! :D Honestly, I feel it could be better :P

    2. No, MINE could be better! Which is why I am still making changes!

    3. Eh, yours probably could be better, true, but mine can be LOTS better lol

    4. Hey you finially got to change your theme! :D

  14. Did you realize that this page says "Mark Swift" at least 5 times?

    1. No; I guess I should change it to "Borne" :P

    2. Wait.... is Mark Borne Mark Swift re-BORNE????
      (sorry I love that pun)

    3. Come on. It was only the second time. XD

    4. Third, actually, but the second time made it overused, too XD It's not one of those ones that can be used multiple times efficiently

    5. what was the second? I know the first was an e-mail, but I have no memory of a second. lol

    6. The first time we met in person after you made that pun, you pitched the idea of it again :P

    7. huh. I thought the first one was e-mail. oh well, I'm always scatterbrained. XD

    8. The first one WAS email; the second was the first time we met in person afterwards

    9. Had to come see why you guys were blowing up my email.

    10. Just another weird Kyra-Mark conversation :P

    11. yup. :) wait, how were you getting E-mail notifications? I can't get it to work. XD

    12. If you click the box by the "Notify Me" before clicking "Publish" to post your comment, then you get email notifications for the entire post/page you published your comment on; I don't do that, I manually put myself for email notifications for my entire blog lol

  15. 100 comments - Status: Reached! :D


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