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My Talent (Poem by Mark Borne)

Many places, I've come to know,
People of different cultures, too;
They all have their thing,
Something that they can do,
But not me, not yet,
My talent has yet to show up.
I write and write, plots
And twists and poems and
Even the rare favorite of
The readers I've lured
And ensnared in my blog.
Yet deep inside, I force myself
To write the words that meet
The lines of text and thoughts.
Then I turn to run, and
Find the wind upon my face
As I escape my life,
But it always catches up,
And the worries I face
Distract me, making the
Outside world obsolete.
Even in reading, I find
Myself buried in stories
That show misfortune in the
Lives of fictional characters,
Directly only to do as they
Were told by the writer.
And yet, in stories there is a
Beauty unmatched by reality,
A world that eventually
Results in kindness and
Peace and excitement.
And being in those worlds,
If only for a mere moment,
Is my hobby. If only I could
Be the character in the book,
Then perhaps I could
Discover the skill that is
My Talent.


  1. I relate to this one a lot.
    Your talent seems to be writing, though.
    I often read to escape into another world.
    I also often with I could do that physically.

    1. Nah, my talent isn't writing lol. Words are definitely a strength of mine, but it doesn't take writing talent to speak strongly
      I think any teenager obsessed with books tends to do that. It's a fun thing to do, and like I implied in the poem, it is nice to take a break from reality every once and a while
      I actually almost wrote a story, once, about a boy who woke up in his own book, and he was the "Chosen One" of sorts. He had to live through it as the main character. Well, would have

    2. That sounds like an incredible book.
      I wonder what my talent is .~.

    3. It might have been, Idk, I didn't have the patience for it lol. Not enough magic, not enough tech, not enough actual solid plot :P
      And your talent, my friend, is obviously writing XD

    4. Then maybe I should write it?
      And it's really not. I'm okay but I'm not great
      and honestly, anyone can it can't really be a talent.

    5. Lol If you want, you can :D Just make sure to include Mark Borne somewhere. Since I started it, I want to have a MARK on it :D
      Yet another reason writing isn't my talent, either :D
      And I know this is going to be the fourth time I've used this face in this one message, but whatever :D

    6. It's like a nagging in the back of my mind now that you brought it up
      And you'll get credit if I write it.

    7. Ha lol
      And thanks :D Glad I will, since I came up with the idea, anyways XD (Well, I came up with it on my own and you took that inspiration; I bet others have done something very similar, if not identical)

    8. I think I'm really going to write this lol
      (I say that about everything, and look at my two projects rn lol, not going very far)

    9. Hey, you can't get much worse than I can XD If you want, though, and you write it in google docs, send me a link to it and I can he a motivator :)

  2. Hi, Mark. :)

    This is a beautiful poem. And if you feel writing isn't your talent, it is a strong suit you have. You too, Marysa. You're both great at writing, so maybe it is a talent. Maybe you guys are a jack of all traits.

    And anyway, Marysa, writing is a talent. Sure, anyone can do it, but it's still a talent. Its like art, cooking, photography, and every other kind of interest. Technically speaking, anyone can do one of those things I mentioned, but if you do it well and with passion, that's what makes it a talent.

    1. Strong suit, maybe, talent, I wouldn't think so; as far as jack of all traits, anyone who has met me in real life can testify that I'm not a jack of all traits :/

    2. I am going to ask you a list of questions. Answer them honestly.

      1. Do you write because you enjoy and love it?
      2. Does it bother you and make you upset when you haven't written something in a while?
      3. When you write something you hate, do you learn to love it?
      4. When you look at the pieces you have written before, even the ones you loved, do you feel you are staring at your own foolish child?
      5. Do you go into deep thought before you write something? Thinking of what you want your work to truly mean in the hearts of others?
      6. When you read other's work even if your particularly don't like it, you find a way to appreciate it?

    3. I'm answering too because I feel like it lol

      1. Yes
      2. Yes
      3. No...sometimes, depends on the poem
      4. Sometimes, depends on the poem
      5. Yes
      6. Yesss

    4. 1. Sort of. I think I like the idea of writing and telling stories, not really the process of actually writing and telling stories.
      2. Not really.
      3. Sometimes. It works with other fictional stories, if I write a fan-fiction, but not with ideals and concepts.
      4. Yep.
      5. Nope.
      6. Yes
      7. Why isn't there a seventh question? Seven's a lucky number

    5. When I saw your thing, before reading it, I looked for a 7th question xD

    6. Lol Maybe jokes are my talents XD

    7. I'll answer as well, because I am also a author!
      1.Yes, writing tells a great story, in any form (like a poem, short story, etc.).
      2. After a VERY long time, possibly (depending on my mood and other things like that).
      3. I've never hated anything I made, only thought I could do better.
      4. Yes (this is straight to the point).
      5. Ish. I just let my mind go to my hands and write and/or type whatever comes to mind.
      6. I've never not liked any form of writing... so far

    8. Oh, and Mr. Ant, if writing isn't a talent, then it is a power you hold!

  3. Writing is your talent. The poem explains it. No more questions.

  4. Yes, I know 7 is a luck number. Its my favorite number along with 3. My favorite 4-digit number is 1720, and 3- digit number is 178.

    I still think writing, is your guys talent. A 6 or 7 question quiz doesn't prove anything, now thinking. It just matters if you do it well and write because you love it. And if that piece, the piece of writing is taken away from you, would you go crazy. That's what really determines if its your talent.

    I literally have had writing taken away from me. It got to a point I wasn't washing the dishes correctly and my Mom grounded me from writing. I could do anything I wanted but write. I rather do nothing but write. Its funny, because those are the times I got my greatest inspiration.

    If you don't think writing is your talent, Mark, why do you have a whole blog dedicated to it?

    1. Being grounded from writing is evil!

    2. Its not evil, its discipline. XD I still wrote, and my mom knew about it. But, she was nice enough to pretend she didn't know and let me write.

    3. Still evil :P
      Reading and writing are like the one thing my parents won't take from me.

    4. Parents: Reading is educational and so is writing! They help you learn!
      So thats why most parents never take it from kids. :P

    5. Shaly, to answer your question, I have a blog dedicated to it because my closest friends tend to be writers, and even if I don't think it's a talent, I've inspired several people with it. Therefore, I have a blog dedicated to writing because it A) Supports a great community, and B) Does help others I know

    6. Nice save! And I'm glad to find this blog myself!

    7. Hi, Mark. :) Sorry, for the late reply. I went to Starbucks with my Mom and I got the most delicious coffee, with a lot and I mean a lot of caramel. I'm a happy girl now.

      Anyway, I realized I have been kind of pushy and I apologize for that. However, I really feel that God gave you a talent in writing. It kind of reminds me of my Mom. She hates cooking. Though, she is creative and artistic like any chef. And her food is sooo good. She really has a talent in cooking, but she doesn't necessarily like it. And I really think you're fantastic at writing. And for a moment I felt confused why someone would have a blog dedicated to something they like, but don't exactly love. That's the reason most people have a blog, to show their love for something. But, you came and told me it was for in a way a noble cause. Well, it really is noble, in a way. You post other writer's work! And you are inspiring! So, in all, I think writing is your talent. You don't have to except that fact. But, please don't stop writing because you don't think its your talent.

    8. Lol Hardly noble, it's more of an afterthought XD The primary reason was the community, which is a bit less noble lol
      I'm never gonna give up writing, it has helped me considerably, I'm just not sure it's what makes me who I am, exactly

    9. I can't win with you, can I?

    10. If Gabby and I don't tie on the stubbornness scale, then I am almost always ahead of her, so no, you probably won't :)

  5. I just saw your comment, Steel Warrior. :) I agree with everything you wrote but 2, 3, and 5. I go into deep thought. I learn to love the work I hate. And if I don't write something for 2- 5 days, it bothers me.

    1. Well:
      My thoughts usually are there, and they disappear, then reappear into my hands when working on it.
      I never hated any work I make, because I made it and I'm proud. I would never totally hate anything (except Spongebob) but I learn to see the good aspects to bad things.
      And last but not least, if I'm happy enough, I'll be able to go long periods of time without writing. However, writing relieves my stress. So if I'm stressed and I don't write, I go nuts!

  6. Jumping on the train here. Lol. But, before I do, I really loved this poem, Mark, especially since I can relate to it. I love how you structured it, too. Writing doesn't have to be a talent, though. It can be a passionate hobby. :) But, you know what? I think it is your talent.

    1. Mainly, yes.
    2. Yes.
    3. Rarely.
    4. No, I just don't.
    5. Um, sometimes. I think about memories, how I look at things now compared to then.
    6. Absolutely. There has to be something I've liked about it, and if not, I try to look at the best of it. Everyone's different, after all, and it's all subjective.

    1. That last one is really deep at the end, and I can relate to everything you just typed. Also, I like to compare times as well, something we have in common.

  7. 1. Yes. it would be weird if I was an author if I wasn't
    2. Usually it doesn't upset me, but when I start writing again, I feel amazing. XD
    3. Nope. I still hate it. If I like it as I write it it is good.
    4. Nope. I feel like I was looking at a bright child who grew up a lot. (;
    5. Sort of. I give deep thought often, but sometimes I make it up at the spot. Oftentimes, I discover the meanings afterwards.
    6. Yup. I give them the edits I would like to have. XD

    1. 1. So is it weird that I'm an author and I don't? Lol
      2. You're definitely a writer, then lol
      3. Stubborn lol
      4. -Goes back and reads "Cookie in New York"
      5. My dad might explain that as a bad way to write :/ Idk, I think the other way is more effective, but I don't think waiting until the end is a super bad idea, either, if you have solid instincts. Which you do
      6. I can testify XD

    2. 1. You don't? That is weird!
      2. Yup. XD
      3.Pretty much. You know me too well.
      4. Exactly! A genius!
      5. Well, i plan the plot, but some dialogue or small details are made up at the spot
      6.You certainly can. XD

    3. Aw thanks. I guess my instincts are pretty good. (;

    4. 1. Lol Nothing new there
      3. And yet, oddly, I simultaneously cannot predict you are well as I can most people :/ Odd lol
      4. Sure, keep telling yourself that!
      5. I plan nothing XD

    5. 1. you've actually never told me that before
      2. lol. It looks like you can't count.
      3. Well, you can predict my mood and know my personality. That is called being spontaneous and fun. XD
      4.Okay! I will
      5. Your stories are good that way. They possess more raw emotions and twists. I plan too much, for once.

    6. 1. You know the saying, "Takes one to know one"? You should've known ;)
      2. Well, no, I skipped point 2 because I had no comment for that point. I was making it more orderly so you could easily identify what I was commenting in reference to
      3. Ig lol
      5. You don't plan too much, you just spend too much time planning -shrug-

    7. 1. Well, I assume that writers like writing. Geez, now I'm questioning all i know. XD
      2. But if you were skimming through it seems like an accident
      5. Now it looks like I can't count.XD True. I wait for my ideas to come, so i take longer than i should.

    8. 1. Is the grass really green, or is it yellow? (Actually, fun fact, I'm more used to yellow grass than green grass; we always had dead grass in Texas)
      2. So stop skimming lol
      5. I make sense, yet again; I need to track total times I make sense, because Gabby doesn't believe I make sense all the time :/

    9. 1.The grass is never greener on the other side. XD
      2. you know that'll never happen.
      3. *snorts* Gabby, you are a genius!

    10. 1. Lol Yep; the grass is deader on the other side :P
      2. Doesn't mean I can't warn you; I enjoy saying, "I told you so" :D
      3. I think you mean "5"
      5. She doesn't pick up on sarcasm unless you tell her otherwise :/

    11. 1. Yup. Or you have no depth perception and assume that grass is on your side.
      2. True.
      3 Maybe i do mean 3. XD
      5. That was not sarcasm. (i'm serious) that happens to me all the time. i just smile and nod when that happens. I'm pretty sure you feel that way for me, often.

    12. 1. You
      2. Guys
      3. Keep
      4. Blowing
      5. Up
      6. My
      7. Email

    13. 1. Lol That's funny XD
      3. Or maybe you're trying to cover up a mistake :D Yeah, you probably meant 3 lol
      5. bad :D

    14. Sorry, Rysa; highly explosive comments are not insured by the Mark Borne Nexus :)

    15. 1. I'm
      2. Too (two?)
      3. Tired
      4. To
      5. Really
      6. Care

    16. 1. I know. (;
      3. Exactly!
      5. lol. it was funny, though. i thought you were sarcastic at first.

    17. 3. am not convinced :/
      5. Well, yeah, aren't I always sarcastic? -shrug-

    18. 1.You
      2. Clearly
      3. Care
      4. Enough
      5. To
      6. Comment
      7. XD
      8. (btw, the two/too pun was hilarious!)

    19. 1. That's
      2. Because
      3. Everything
      4. Is
      5. Irritating
      6. To
      7. Me
      8. rn

    20. 3. Sure..
      5. Sometimes, i guess.

    21. 1. Well
      2. I
      3. Hope
      4. You
      5. Get
      6. Through
      7. This
      8. :)

  8. The poem reminds me of an insight Nin had: “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” ― Anais Nin

  9. Writing is totally your talent, but if it doesn't feel right, I'm sure you'll find another talent you'd like just as well or even more!

    Great poem, I really loved how relatable it was :)

    1. The definition of "Talent" is a "A capacity for achievement or success". I'm not sure I really have a capacity for success in the field of writing :)
      Thanks for the compliment anyhow -shrug- Lol
      And I didn't know it'd be relatable to you; then again, I don't think you've ever really talked about a specific talent. Do you not have any, either?

    2. Hmm... I would fit your writing into a talent with that definition :)
      You're welcome!
      And yeah... it's hard because I know I'm good at art but I don't see much of a career in that, I'm okay at writing, but the okay part is what keeps me from pursuing it as a occupation one day, then there's dance which I really think I'm getting good at, but I just don't know.... if i'm as okayish at it as I think I am XD
      Also I can juggle, that's a talent... I think? ;P

    3. Delude yourself if you wish :)

      It could qualify, yes :D My brother can juggle, too. I can't

  10. This is beautiful. I love the language and imagery.


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