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Almost There (Poem by Mark Borne)

One step, two steps, three steps, four,
All my life I've dreamt of this;
Almost there, a few steps left,
Into the light and out of the abyss.
In excitement I write, "Anxiously I look,
I'm almost there, almost done,
A few step closer, a few steps past;
Soon I'll arrive, and the challenge'll be won."

Author's Note: I apologize for the inconsistencies and fact that it sounds like someone insane wrote it; I was really tired when I wrote it, and my mind was jumping all over the place. This has a lot to do with my ADHD, which has thankfully hit a low in my life, so far.


  1. I like this. I love the drive you portrayed as you trek towards victory. I like the rhyme pattern. It's subtile and natural.

    1. I didn't try to rhyme with the first part, but accidentally did, and then tried to rhyme the second part, and it was so hard XD

  2. This is beautiful Mark, yayyyy so many pieces up today!! Great job :)

    1. Yeah I agree, I like the tone of it, and it doesn't sound like bad. I think it's a excellent poem! Great work!

    2. Lol Thanks Gabby, I appreciate the support XD

      And thanks, SteelWarrior, your support is awesome, too :D

  3. Are you a Half-Blood? Well, this is a great poem. I love it.

    1. YES! I love Percy Jackson!

    2. Ha, I have no idea what you mean, I read the Percy Jackson series once, but I've forgotten, like, 98% of it. I just remember the weird scenes, pretty much :P

      Anyhow, thanks!

  4. Hi, Mark. :)

    You see, not to disappoint you, but I'm not a Harry Potter Fan, I prefer Percy Jackson. And I meant it as a playful jest. Above, you wrote you had ADHD. Which, made me think, "Like Percy Jackson and every other demigod!" Since, Rick Riordan wrote all his characters to have ADHD, which in that fictional world it, equals keen battle instincts.

    Anyway, your welcome. :) I really enjoyed reading this poem and all your work yesterday. I didn't comment on, "Colors," yet, so I'll do it here. I loved the imagery provided and how... colorful it was.

    1. Ah lol. I like Harry Potter, but I'm not necessarily a "Potterhead". I didn't know they all had ADHD, though. It does make it easier to survive in a swordfight, because you're hyperactive, and thus able to keep an eye on several aspects at once, and in addition, I have the energy to fight for ages. The problem is, my lung capacity is small, which means I always run out of breath, and that may or may not be worse than running out of energy in a swordfight :/

      Lol Thanks, I aimed for that one to be "colorful" XD


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