Round 1 had a TON of close calls, and likewise, Round 2 had me on the edge of my seat, eagerly anticipating the end. However, I must admit, Round 3 wasn't as close. A definite winner arose from the first vote. Before I announce the true winner, I will first off say, if you lost, do not think you did poorly. There were many close calls in the first two rounds, and both of you (Gabby and Kyra) have managed to survive those close calls and make it to the grand finale. Both of you have put up good competition and ended up in the top two positions. But like all great contests, there has to be a winner. And that Gabby! "There's something better waiting for us." Okay, I admit, it's harder to be dramatic when it's all written in an article, especially since apparently 50% of blog readers skim articles (I admit, I'm guilty of this. I skim unless something in particular catches my eye), but points for credit, right? Anyways, I've comp...
"Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs." -Proverbs 10:12, NIV Bible