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Six-Word-Story Contest Reminder

Hey, y'all! Just a friendly reminder that we're halfway through the contest! In 1 week, voting begins!

Although, I have an alternative method of voting I'd like to offer. The original method was that everyone would vote for their two favorite ones, not including their own, and the Six-Word-Story with the most votes wins. HOWEVER, another idea occurred to me.

We could set up a "tournament" of sorts. Each day of voting, the votes begin anew, and everyone votes for their two least favorites, including theirs, and every day a certain amount of six-word-stories are eliminated.

Let me know if you'd rather switch to the Tournament Voting Method or if you'd rather stay with Basic Voting. I've also thought through who has advantages and disadvantages* for both methods if it sways your decision:

Disadvantages: Kyra
Advantages: PoetOfSteel, "Your Mom"**

Disadvantages: PoetOfSteel, "Your Mom"
Advantages: Kyra, Gabby

*If you're name isn't listed, it's because you either submitted after I wrote this, or you have neither an advantage nor a disadvantage.
**-squints in suspicion-


  1. Funny, I always thought Tournament would match my fight side. But I guess I never win anything. \_(••)_/

    1. It might be your style, and I think you'd dominate it, but I was judging based off the number of things submitted. In a Tournament style, whoever has most tends to reach the higher tiers, and so Kyra's 5 will dominate your 1 -shrug-

      That's why I think Basic Voting would work best for you. You've got one good one, and so people'll probably vote it at least as a second choice, which'll basically guarantee a minimum 3rd place finish for you

      Truth be told, though, I think no matter which method is chosen, you and Gabby are going to be the ones at the top. Both of you wrote a super inspiring Six-Word-Story, and I think that inspiration is going to dominate the competition, since pretty much all my readers are writers

  2. i think TOURNAMENT voting. Because i can only vote 1 and a half days, assuming everyone submitted only one...

    1. Mark Borne; My Computer's Being Used So I'm Anonymous Once More9/14/2019 05:07:00 PM

      Well, standard voting is "Vote Once" (well, you vote for two entries, but then you're done)

      Tournament Voting is the only one that resets the votes each day


    3. It is kinda weird. But it is also weird to submit 5 stories. 😂 (I'm just messing with everyone 😁)

    4. Mark Borne; Just Realized it's Not Anonymous If Your Name Is Listed9/14/2019 05:37:00 PM

      I'm personally also voting for regular voting :D

      Lol It IS weird, isn't it?

    5. it is weird! XD

      I just realized your user name, Mark XD

  3. How do you join the contest?

    1. Its on here somewhere...lemme find it.

    2. Found it! Here:

  4. Thank you! :) Haven't been on here for a while.


    Did you join the writing club?

    1. problem! But I'm no longer on FLVS though. But I wish I could join the club again!

    2. That's a bummer. Your writings are pretty cool. :)

  5. Also, Mr. Mark Borne, I go with tournament voting. That's a very interesting method.

    1. I just made a few more stories, so I go with tournament too.

    2. Yeah, Poet of Steel's link lol

      And that's unfortunate, Poet of Steel! :(

      And Shaly, don't expect to see me in the club, either. I signed up for Speech & Debate, but I decided to sit out the writing club this year. Last year was more stress than it was worth, so I decided to go with a club that would give me some actual benefit so that if it's stressful, at least I gain something from it

      And last but furthest from least, welcome back, Shaly! :D Glad to hear from you again!

    3. Im glad Shaly is back! But I don't get what's unfortunate. I can place my link, with permission of course.

    4. Sure, go ahead! I mostly just don't want random links I don't approve of to be posted

      No longer with FLVS? Unfortunate?

  6. Hey Mark! Or MirrorAnt...whatever you prefer!
    My blog's Fun Poll needs help! Because I had to restart, only you and Lucy have polled, and I think more responses would be nice and more effective on the next action that needs to be taken.

    1. I'll set something up as soon as possible; it may have to wait until this afternoon, though, Idk how much time before I have to leave

    2. Nah, just took care of it. I realized I could just use the notice board lol

  7. I vote tournament voting because I see my name there lol

  8. My reactions to the Six-Word-Stories are as follows...

    Gabby's: Oh lol Wow, these could be writing prompts!
    Kyra's: -rolls eyes-
    PoetofSteel's: Oh, wow, these are inspiring!
    Shaly's: Okay, so definitely not hilarious, but super deep, and I love the theme!
    "Your Mom"'s: OH MY WORD I'M DYING OVER HERE, but no one else is gonna get it, so despite how awesome it is, it's doomed...

    1. Why? You write in a epic way. I'M scared!

    2. PoetofSteel, you have nothing to be afraid of -shakes head-

    3. Yay! And neither should Krya! 😁

    4. Hmm...pretty sure she does xD

      She's got tough competition. She's also written a lot, but that's pointless if it isn't quality work. I still honestly think either you or Gabby are going to win. I think Shaly's stuff is my favorite, though

      So I hope Shaly wins, but I think you or Gabby will :P

    5. Thanks! 😄 I still wish her and everyone the best of luck!

    6. thanks! You write comedically, though, so you have hope.

      I'm so curious about your mom's post, though. XD

      Pretty much what Mark said. It isn't the highest quality of stuff.

    7. You wrote/typed it. IT HAS VALUE.

    8. Value? Yes

      But technically, a penny has value, too -shrug-

      I do like Kyra's six-word-stories, but I don't think they'll give her the win. I'd honestly be surprised if they did

    9. Buuuuuuuuttttttttt.... I have strength in numbers.... That is how it works, right?

    10. Surprise! In the tournament, it's usually 1v1, so there's no such thing as strength in numbers xD

    11. Ughhh a penny can have significant value actually, a 1943 copper penny is extremely rare and can worth thousands, so.... if something as small as a penny can be worth something because it's unique in it's own way, I think Kyra's work would be in the same category :)

      Btw I smiled at the reaction thing, it actually fits quite well!

      And wait has anyone seen anyone else's pieces yet?

    12. Long-term, it can have significant value; but short-term? It's worth a single cent :D

      And no. I'm the only one who's seen all the pieces

    13. Depending on the year, did you know there's certain modern day Lincoln pennies that are considered double dyed/double striked that are worth a lot too? Even at short term :))

      Oooooo lucky lol Are you the judge or is it going to be like a poll?

    14. You know what I mean -sighs-

      It's gonna be a poll... :/

    15. …….. or do I? jk I do lol


      Sorry about that, I had to say it.
      Gabby, did you check your email? There is a blog request for you to be a author.

    17. True :)
      And I did! I've been super busy lately and until I find a bit more time, I don't think I can join :( Maybe in a few weeks/months though!

    18. That's ok, I have computer issues, so chances are that I can't do much either.

  9. Hey, guys. :) Thanks Mark, I was actually scared you wouldn't like my six-word-stories. But, you surprised me. Also, I didn't know they had to be funny. I'm not funny on que and plus I'm bit of bore when it comes to writing. I write the way I like, and I think I take writing too seriously, for real. Just ask Gabby, I've spoken to Gabby for months, and I think I'm too serious when I speak with her and not funny at all. Well, just look at all my comments.

    But, I did write a 3 maybe 4 lined poem about my mom sneezing and her boogers coming out. She read that and laughed so hard. But, I will never reveal such a work. No way.

    Anyway, thank you. :) I hope Gabby wins. I like everything you write, girl, its all amazing! (Did you get that email with that poem I sent you, I didn't write that piece, but thought you would love it?)

    Also, I have decided to write an explanation for two of my six word stories (should be 7 words, 7 is a pretty number). So, no one goes like, "Huh?" when they read it.

    The first one is about a mythical creature called a Nocken, Nacken, Nix, or Neck, originating from Scandinavian folklore and mythology. It is a water creature, usually a well-clothed handsome young man who plays the violin in bodies of water specifically lakes and rivers. Sometimes they are malevolent spirits who are epically a danger to pregnant women and unbaptized children. Other times, they're pleasant and good beings who are willing to teach humans their beautiful music. My inspiration, for my first sentence was based on my own poem idea inspired by the poem, "The Nacken, " by Swedish poet E.J. Stagnelius.

    Then, the second sentence revolves around a Peri. This a creature from Persian mythology, and later Islamic folklore. These beings are usually beautiful women with wings, who are usually mischievous and not allowed in Heaven until they repent for their sins.

    Also, my Dad collects coins

    1. They don't have to by funny, I'm just usually not attracted to non-funny content -shrug- That's not a bad way to write. My default writing style is serious, I just prefer to place food jokes in random areas and make people question why they're reading such cheesy stuff xD

      Lol That sounds wise

      Okay, cool! (I would also have gone for seven. Tbh, the number 6 used to scare me, and even now it still makes me uncomfortable. But, society says six, so...)

      I like the name Neck best of those lol. And I like creatures like that, that are sometimes one way but other times the opposite

      Sounds kinda like a human O.O Well, except I'm not sure Persians and Muslims have the same beliefs about entering Heaven...but it sounds like Christian humans -shrug-

      Neat :D I collect coins! Sort of! I'm more collecting money, but same difference xD

    2. Awwww thank you Shaly!

    3. I vote for her as well. I vote for everyone but me wether I have to or not! Mine probably suck in comparison.

    4. I'm still pretty sure yours don't. You and Gabby both have the most inspirational six-word-stories

      And prevoting will have everyone voting for everyone, even themselves... <.<

    5. OOF! Change of plans! Time to become that one guy that think he's gonna win everything!

      Just kidding. I just hope I win. O.o


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