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10 Things You Didn't Know About Star Wars

You've trapped me. Congratulations, readers. I am now stuck in a place where I've got a 4-day post streak (well...five after I post this) and I've gotta keep it up, yet have nothing to post. Therefore...*drumroll please*...10 Things You Didn't Know About Star Wars! (There was exactly no suspense. You saw it coming before you clicked on this post.)^

10. Kylo Ren's lightsaber doesn't intentionally have a cross-guard hilt. Actually, he didn't construct his lightsaber very well, and so the cross-guard is really a way to vent the extra energy and keep it from blowing up! (Of course, by the time Rise of Skywalker rolls around, I bet he'll have fixed it. This is mostly a "The Force Awakens" fact.)

9. Porgs are actually puffins. Really. Porgs were created because it would have been way harder and more costly to remove the real life puffins from their filming. So anytime anyone tells you porgs were really a money grab by Disney? In a sense, they definitely are! (Though, honestly, if you could take the easy way out AND get free money, wouldn't you seriously consider that solution?)

8. Qui-Gon was a Grey Jedi. Grey Jedi were known for walking that fine line between the Light Side and the Dark Side of the Force, and tended to have a more critical opinion of the Council's decisions, unafraid to back down. In the original stories (you know, the ones that Disney shut down when they took over), the Grey Jedi were actually considered "balanced" in the Force, and therefore the extinction of both the Jedi and the Sith could have been the beginning of balance. It remains unclear whether Disney is planning on actually keeping that or throwing it to the sharks, though I bet they're still going to use it because of various comments by both Snoke and Luke in "The Force Awakens" and "The Last Jedi".

7. Jango Fett was the person the clone army's DNA came from. Anyone who pays attention to "Attack of the Clones" can figure that one out. But did you know that he was hired by Darth Tyrannus (A.K.A. Count Dooku) under Darth Sidious' (A.K.A. Chancellor Palpatine's) orders to make the clones? And among these instructions was a chip implanted in their brains that basically created a mind-control trick. When Palpatine said, "Execute Order 66", it rewired the clones to kill all the Jedi. (The Clone Wars TV show explains this, too.) Eventually, the effect wore off, and the clones were normal again, which led Emperor Palpatine to kill many of them. Some sneaky people who were hunted by the Inquisitors and these clones gave the clones the order to execute order 66, and that caused the clones to go haywire and kill the Inquisitors. Why did that happen? Because...

6. ...Inquisitors are really Jedi gone bad! No wonder Vader hates them so much! Inquisitors used to be Jedi, but were corrupted somehow. I'm not sure of the specifics, and I don't think most of the Inquisitor identities are revealed, yet, but I'm secretly hoping Second Sister from Jedi: Fallen Order turns out to be Barriss Offee, who ended up being a rogue Jedi. Wouldn't that be an interesting twist?

5. In the book for "A New Hope" (which I believe is simply called Star Wars, as the movie was originally called), they don't mention the "Rebellion". That's simply what they're called by the Empire. Instead, in the book, they call themselves, "The Alliance to Restore the Republic"! This alliance's name reflects their goals, which are completed in-between "The Return of the Jedi" and "The Force Awakens".

4. "Return of the Jedi" was supposed to be called "Revenge of the Jedi", originally, and it was supposed to be so much more depressing. Luke becomes the next Darth Vader, and Han Solo dies. Unfortunately, instead, Luke creates the next Darth Vader (Kylo Ren), and Han Solo has to wait a long time, finally be reunited with his starship and the love of his life, and then die and lose everything. Way to go, Disney!

3. Jabba the Hutt was originally supposed to be a fat Scottish man. (Credit to Kyra for this one.) Don't ask me any more, because I have no clue. Questions about this can be asked in comments and I'm sure Kyra will either oblige or ignore you.

2. You might be more familiar with this face, but the lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker is the longest lightsaber duel between two people in Star Wars cinematic history! Now, if you think that's impressive, just wait. I'm sure Rise of Skywalker is going to blow that out of the water with creating a record for most amount of lightsaber duels between the two exact same characters in a single film.

1. Qui-Gon is referenced in "Revenge of the Sith"! Yoda mentions that he's heard from an old friend. That old friend is Qui-Gon. This is also a Clone Wars fact, but it's also a fact that's overlooked way too often, and super underappreciated.

^Minus Kyra, of course. I've shared most of these facts with her in the past, and she knew at least half of them before me telling her.


  1. By the way, if you have another thing you'd like me to target for "10 Things You Didn't Know", let me know and I'll research it!

    1. Power Rangers: They wouldn't exist without Spiderman because the Japanese show created super senti, and that created power rangers! In space was supposed to be the last show! Then RPM was going to be the last show. Beast Morphers is possibly related to RPM. The original Mighty Morphin Team actually changed because of money issues. David Yost, classic blue ranger, left for getting bullied about his sexuality. The Super Megaforce legendary battle missed the anniversary date and was straight up trash. Samurai was considered to be one of the best and worst seasons, depending on who you ask. Ok, that's it, I'm all facted out. 😝

    2. That's a LOT of cool facts! :O

      I'm not huge into Power Rangers, but that's simply because I've never had a link to it. I usually only watch TV shows if I've got friends or family who're into it, and I alas don't know any Power Rangers fans xD

    3. I was just pulling junk out of a hat...I knew this wouldn't survive against Stranger Things and that stuff. But, alas, my 10 year old self is still in's only been 4 years. 😆

    4. xD Stranger Things is a fun TV show. It's also the darkest one I can mentally handle (I'm easily disturbed by blood/gore)

      Well...Season 3 was super difficult to handle, though

    5. I can understand. Especially in modern day. That could be viewed wrong...

  2. Why did I take so long to see this?!

    10) I personally think they'll keep the saber. It's iconic.

    9) Other reasons they couldn't remove the puffins is that a: Skellig Michael (the island where they filmed the porgs) is a protected area and b: it was puffin nesting season, and it is illegal to disturb them.

    8) I watched a video covering this in the past two days! Actually, grey jedi isn't a canon term (last time I checked, at least), even though the concept is a thing we see.

    7) I think clones are the true tragedy of Star Wars. :P

    6) I wookieepediaed this, and I didn't see any mention of it. I thought the Empire captured force-sensitive children (like they showed in Rebels) and brainwashed/trained them to be inquisitors

    5) Also in the sequel book "Splinter in a Mind's Eye" (this was before Empire Strikes Back was going to be a thing) Luke and Leia were lovers (unfortuntnately enough)

    4) The way you presented this fact was etertaining and put a grin on my face. Oddly enouugh, considering I'm still morning Han's death. (He's not dead! As the Rise of Skywalker trailer says: "no one is ever truely gone")

    3) Yup! Here's the original Jabba footage:

    2) Man, the Rise of Skywalker is going to be awesome!

    1) Yup!

    I love the small font! It's true! I know everyone of these facts (or at least partsof the facts). XD

    1. No idea lol

      10) Well, duh. The trailers reveal that much. But Kylo Ren may have fixed the overheating issue, and he just keeps it for function

      9) Oh, no, it probably (Idk) would have been easy to physically move them. I meant digitally remove them. That was going to be expensive to digitally remove them from the movie, so they "changed" them instead

      8) Well, there's no canon term for them, thus we revert to the Legends term :D That's why I keep calling them Grey Jedi. There's really no better thing to call them, especially since Grey Jedi is so universal (Jedi-gone-rogue category doesn't have as universal a term, though! Dark Jedi, Fallen Jedi, Former many terms for that branch!)

      7) Yes...genetically modified clones based off an evil bounty hunter for the sole purpose of killing Jedi are the true tragedy of Star Wars xD Definitely not the story of Darth Plagueis the Wise (Actually just looked up Plagueis...he was a Muun?!)

      6) Huh. Idk. But I remember hearing over several YouTube channels that the Inquisitors were essentially rogue Jedi, and I remember seeing a page of a comic where (as I mentioned in Section 7 on the post) the phrase "Execute Order 66" caused some left over clones to attack Inquisitors. Actually, some of the same Inquisitors that played a major role in Star Wars: Rebels

      5) Well, they were technically lovers for the very beginning of The Empire Strikes Back, when Leia was trying to make a point against Han. Then again, that's not really "Leia loved Luke", it's more "Leia was using Luke to get to Han"...

      4) That's my favorite "fun fact" about Star Wars. There's so much irony Disney used that no one notices!

      3) Oh boy...

      2) Or a disaster. I wonder which lightsaber fight will bring the downfall of Star Wars? There are at least 3 different settings it seems likely they'll fight, as well as hints at more. That's a lot of ways for Disney to fail

      1) You didn't have much to say on this one lol

    2. 10) Maybe. But if he fixed the issues, his saber wouldn't flicker.

      9) true. XD

      8) True. Funfact: Dark Jedi was the original name for sith.

      7) Yup! In legends I know for certain, not sure about canon. :P XD

      6) Huh. I'm trying so hard to keep up on start wars comics, and I'm failing

      5) There was tension in A New Hope, but I think proving a point kinda makes it okay. It's weird, but better... Leia does kiss him (on the cheek) after his arm gets cut off

      4) Except the all-seeing Mark, of course. XD

      3) lol

      2) You seem optimistic...

      1) Yup! XD

    3. 10) Me know nothing about this till now.
      8-4) No comment.
      2-1) Still no comment
      I watch Star Wars, but I can't geek out when I don't know the facts. 😂

    4. 10) True... O.O And I believe it flickers in the D23 Trailer, too

      8) And now it's a name to reflect Jedi who've fallen to the Dark Side, whether they're Sith or not :D

      7) He looks pretty Muun-like in the Plagueis book cover...

      6) I just look 'em up lol. Also, watching enough Fan-Theory videos on YouTube tends to cover many of the comics (Oh, and I've got a Star Wars friend who reads a TON of comics and tells me a bunch about them! :D )

      5) Technically, hand. He only lost his hand. But that was a more friendly type; like the kind mothers give to their children when they need comforting? At least, that's how I always saw it. No actual proof that's what it was <.<

      4) Or the all-rushed-Mark-when-he-needs-to-write-a-post-and-boy-he-just-noticed-some-really-cool-stuff! :D

      3) That makes one of us! Though I was expecting a shirtless guy wearing a red skirt, not to mention a Santa-length black beard. That video was kinda several steps up lol

      2) I'm being realistic. The more Disney tries to succeed with the Skywalker Saga, the more of a disaster it becomes, regardless of how good it was. There's just too many haters for them to do well. Will I enjoy it? Definitely! Will it be a non-disaster? Definitely not

      Lol Yeah. The fun parts of Star Wars are the things you can't pick up from watching the movies once. Once you know all the background and stuff, rewatching a movie and placing how many connections there are is AWESOME! Like rewatching The Empire Strikes Back after seeing Solo: A Star Wars Story is gold, for instance! Watching Rogue One and then A New Hope is also epic, probably even more so! Also, the stuff in the books, comics, and TV shows...SO MUCH LORE!!!

    5. 10) Yup! :)

      8) true.

      7) But that's legends.

      6) I'm relatively up to date on the poe comments, but that's only because they always have a lot of those at the library (I got a new one yesterday!!! *fangirl squeal*)

      5) lol, true. That's how i saw it too, but it's still there.

      4) true. that's you

      3) WHY WAS THAT YOUR EXPECTATIONS!? XD but seriously, that's random.

      2) maybe it's beacsuse we haven't seen the ending. The Empire Strikes Back was actually not well recieved, but now it's a fan favorite! Once we see thr ending and answers (hopefully) everything will smooth out and make sense

      It's like a scavenger hunt! The Star Wars universe is such a beautiful and complex universe! That's actually one of the reasons I staerted to write my Star Wars book; to explore Star Wars. :)

    6. 7) IT IS?! :O The new book? (Looked it up, and parts of it are confirmed to be canon, but a good section of it IS Legends. Bummer. But that might still mean Plagueis is a Muun! :D It'd be good if a major Sith was NOT human for once...)

      6) The Poe Dameron Comics are my other friend's favorites, too... :/ She's got a whole love triangle for BB-8 planned out, with CB-23 from Resistance and whatever-that-droid-is-in-the-comics lol

      3) Idk, the way you said, "Big Fat Scottish Man" made me consider the worst possible scenario -shrug-

      2) People hated the Prequels until the Sequels started coming out, and then they loved the Prequels. I think in order to love the Sequels, fans are gonna need another series to hate on (Also, Disney Haters. Seriously. They're going to just hate Disney's work, unfortunately. Hopefully Disney looks past all the haters and sees the real fans)

      I know! :D It's also an easy series to do a fan-fiction on

    7. 7)Or.... Plagius is whatever Snoke is! Or a gungan! I SEE YOU JARJAR!

      6)lol. That's amazing. tbh, those comics are so-so, but they're clean (minus the light language). Also, I've learned that star wars comics are SO much better than Marvel. Marvel comics don't really have complex characters nor good stories (at least the ones i've read)

      3)lol, true

      2)i hope that too. I don't want disney to stop making films!

      it really is!

    8. 7) Unfortunately, Snoke isn't Plagueis :( They denied it was true

      6) Huh, interesting!

      2) -nods solemnly-

    9. 7) did they, though XD

      6) yup!

      2) -nods back-


    11. indeed. But hey, It's Star Wars. Why wouldn't there be comments? XD


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