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(UPDATED) September Ant Awards, New Story Poll, and More!

Content in Blue is from the updated content.

I have returned from my vacation, but I am not the only thing returning! Starting right now is the 2019-2020 Ant Awards! What I'm going to do this next year is different. I will have an Ant Awards post each month. It will cover basic news across the past month, announce new people on the blog and new featured blogs, feature a new Spotlight Author, and reveal what I would like to accomplish in the coming weeks! Standard Reader of the Month and Post of the Month are now retired, however.

What's New? 

The Spotlight Author is going to be a category that commemorates certain authors for something. Each time they are announced, a theme for the next Spotlight Author will be revealed, and then the author I feel best portrays that theme will be featured during the next Ant Awards. I will try to keep the themes seasonal, with the exception of this Spotlight Author award, which'll be based off the theme for the very first Reader of the Month award: loyalty.

Recently, y'all selected to vote for another story I will be publishing. The poll is out there, now! If you want to vote, click the handy link. Right now, only two options are preexisting, though in the future, I will have a wider variety of stories available. The voting ends the day I publish the October Ant Awards.

Spotlight Author! 

As I faced last time I made a decision like this, loyalty is tricky for me. I have a few readers (all of whom have written for this blog) who have been with me since the beginning of this blog. Given her activity in writing, however, I'd like to give the very first Spotlight Author to Marysa Writes! Congratulations! (And for the rest of you, what commemorates September better than the falling leaves? Therefore, the theme for the next month is fall! The theme can apply to the season, or it could be any interpretation thereof!)

Over the Summer:

The summer has been hectic in its own little ways, but the summer's over now. With school starting back up, I can make no promises about being on top of this blog, but once things settle down, it shouldn't be much of a problem.

Up Next:

I haven't been very loyal to poor little Lucas, however, starting this month, I'm going to try better! Starting this month, I will be continuing Lucas Stories! I've already finished September's, and I can't wait to share it with everyone! One of my friends read it already, and told me it was "stunning", but if you didn't know how to look at it, it seemed rather random. When I post Lucas Stories, I will be sure to include a forenote telling you how to read it to get the full experience, although it is purely optional to do so.

The unimpressive 1st Anniversary of this blog is this November, and if we manage to make it that far, I have some special plans. Definitely. This totally isn't just an empty idea I need to fill in by then, I'm completely sure I have lots of cool ideas for November that are already waiting. I'm not going to go into detail, and that's not because I don't have any plans yet, since my plans are 100% complete and standing by! (Whew, think they believed me?)

Important September Holidays:

Teacher's Day is on the fifth! Be sure to appreciate any teachers you have or have had! If you're homeschooled, take this opportunity to let you parents know how much you appreciate them!

Don't forget to remember 9/11 this year. Many people died, and it was the first major terrorist attack on U.S. soil.


  1. Awh thank you! Sorry I haven't been very active anywhere. My life has been insane

  2. I voted! I hope it's the majority....

  3. Congrats Mars :) and glad to see the blog active again, it's been a while since I last checked, it's nice to be back :)

    1. Lol Yeah, the blog's up and running!

      I feel like a pirate who just got his ship repaired...hrm...why do I suddenly have the urge to name my blog something? :/


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