SHALY: Q. How many times do you estimate you fart a day? (I want to see how you answer this one.) 6/10 A. Well, I'd estimate about zero times a day. Q. Who do you like better C.S. Lewis or J.R. Tolkien and why? 7/10 A. I'm going to have to go with J.R.R.Tolkien as my pick. C.S.Lewis is cool, and I like the Narnia movies more than the Hobbit or LotR movies, but the Hobbit book was REALLY good. Because of that, I have to go with Tolkien. Q. Is your character, Irene, inspired by Gabby? (Also, I like the name, Irene.) 4/10 A. Actually, no! Irene is based off my imaginary friend. (No, Kyra, not George McMuffle. He's not my imagination friend, he's in Independent Imaginary.) (And yes, Shaly, I like Irene's name, too!) Q. Would you go to Asia or Europe and why? Which region, area, city, etc. would you visit from the specific continent? 8/10 A. Europe for sure. Specifically, England. I don't know where in England I'd go, but I've always been fascinated ...