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Q/A Answers

Q. How many times do you estimate you fart a day? (I want to see how you answer this one.) 6/10
A. Well, I'd estimate about zero times a day.
Q. Who do you like better C.S. Lewis or J.R. Tolkien and why? 7/10
A. I'm going to have to go with J.R.R.Tolkien as my pick. C.S.Lewis is cool, and I like the Narnia movies more than the Hobbit or LotR movies, but the Hobbit book was REALLY good. Because of that, I have to go with Tolkien.
Q. Is your character, Irene, inspired by Gabby? (Also, I like the name, Irene.) 4/10
A. Actually, no! Irene is based off my imaginary friend. (No, Kyra, not George McMuffle. He's not my imagination friend, he's in Independent Imaginary.) (And yes, Shaly, I like Irene's name, too!)
Q. Would you go to Asia or Europe and why? Which region, area, city, etc. would you visit from the specific continent? 8/10
A. Europe for sure. Specifically, England. I don't know where in England I'd go, but I've always been fascinated with the country, and I really want to explore it one day.
Q. What is your favorite book of the Bible? 7/10
A. I'm going to have to go with either Proverbs or Esther. Proverbs is cool because it's a super practical book, and Esther is also cool because it's shows how God's always with us, even if we can't directly see his influence.
Q. Did you like the poem, I wrote, "The Fever?" 5/10
A. I did! It's not my favorite by you, but that doesn't by any means say it's bad. Quite the opposite, actually. As I read it, I kept thinking, "Oh, wait, I think that's another reference to the Bible! But where's it from?" I mean, I'm pretty sure the hands of bronze are from Revelations. I just don't know where in Revelations lol
Q. Do you think raccoons are evil? (I do.) 8/10
Nah, I think they're cute. Of course, the raccoons I saw were always the ones that would finish off the leftover cat food at night when I lived in Texas. I'm pretty sure city raccoons aren't quite as civilized.
Q. When you were little, let's say 4, did you have a strange childhood crush? (I did, I asked my cousin who was like 10 then, to marry me.) 6/10
A. Hmm...very, very decent, I don't think I did. Ironically, while most of my life is chaos and instincts, I've been very careful of my emotions. I had a crush when I was little, but I was taking it relatively seriously, and that crush was shattered when she called me a chicken. (When she did the very thing she dared me to do and sprained her ankle, she quickly apologized.)
Q. Were you ever afraid of cats? (I was.) 9/10
A. I've never been scared of cats in general. But I was scared of a cat, once. Her name was Java. She was a nightmare. (And to think we kept Java when we could have kept that black and white cat that adored me! But no, the one that has fur the color of coffee beans is apparently the one we wanted to keep. No way she's going to go evil on us.)
Q. What's your least favorite fruit? (For me, it's watermelon.) 5/10
A. It varies from moment to moment, It used to be kiwi, but not anymore. Right now, it's raspberries.
Q. Now, I have to ask you a very serious question. This is very important. Ahem! have you tried the chocolate empanadas at Pollo Tropical, yet?! (I have.) 4/10
A. I've actually never gone to Pollo Tropical, yet. I want to, I just haven't. But have you gone to Zona Fresca? (I got two coupons for a free meal, so I went once. I've still got one more left, and I can't wait to use it!)

Q. What's your address? Kidding! 8/10
A. 221B Baker Street! :D
Q. What's yo favorite color? 2/10
A. It used to be any color other than yellow, but I'm leaning towards green, now.
Q. Do you have any crushes? (This should be interesting) 7/10
A. The word "Crush" is a bit cruel, don't you think? And the, kinda uncertain, right?
Q. Do you think too many questions will overload you? 4/10
A. Nope, if anything, it's going to make this so much more fun!
Q. Would you rather date Gabby or Kyra? 0/10
A. I don't even have a joke I can fit here.
Q. Do you think you would be a good author one day? 6/10
A. I doubt it, and here's my reasoning: many people are much more talented than me, because people seem to be getting more and more talented at the art. Also, as time progresses, I'll probably have less and less time to write. Therefore, I don't think I ever will be, unfortunately.
Q. On a scale from 1-10, are my questions stupid? 4/10
A. They actually aren't very stupid overall; favorites are super generic and overused, in my opinion, so I didn't really enjoy that, but you can find a lot out about people with that question, so it's not a bad one. Pretty much, all your questions are pretty decent, except for that one question with which I have no response.

Q. What's your favorite animal? 9/10
A. FOX! Yes, definitely a fox! I love foxes! :D Did you know they added foxes to Minecraft?!
Q. When did you realize you liked to write? 5/10
A. Actually, I don't know. I started writing when I was nine, but I don't think I enjoyed it until I was thirteen.
Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years? 4/10
A. I see myself as a renowned world leader who never has to work and gets everything for free! know what, no I don't. I see myself, honestly, as a Forensic Scientist who has to deal with a tough boss and rude co-workers. With my luck, I also bought a dog that died immediately, and thus have a grave in my backyard.
Q. If you could have one object in the whole entire world (you know, besides the necessities) what would it be? 7/10
A. A genie bottle, in which case I'd wish for infinite wishes, and thus have anything, anytime! But if that isn't an option, then...hmm...a pet snake. Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with a pet snake. I love foxes, but in my opinion, snakes are nearly as awesome!
Q. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? 7/10
A. Hawkins, Texas. I love that general area so much, and I'd rather actually live there than only getting to visit once a year.
Q. What's your favorite soda? 2/10
A. It used to be Orange Crush, but I realized I got sick every time I drank it. Now? It's either Sprite or Baja Blast (which is a Mountain Dew flavor). 

Q. How are you? 1/10
A. Good. How are you?
Q. Are you alien? 1/10
As far as I know, no. Who knows, though? Maybe my parents are aliens and they're keeping it secret!
Q. Are you alive? 8/10
A. It depends. Since this is a scheduled post, there's no guarantee I'm currently alive, unless I respond to your comments. If I respond to you comments, then I'm 99% sure I'm at least 51% alive!
Q. Are you real? 8/10
A. "How can I prove to you that I am real? How can you prove to me that you are real? In truth, how can any of us prove that we are real?" -James Veitch
Q. Which Marvel Character do you find most relateable? 6/10
A. Peter Parker is the most relatable MCU character for me.
Q. Which star wars Charcter do you find most relateable? 7/10
A. It's either Stormtrooper #2521 or Ezra Bridger. Most likely Stormtrooper #2521, however.
Q. when you read "lol" do you mentally say "lull"? 1/10
A. Now I'm going to. Thanks a ton.
Q. Why am i doing this? 4/10
A. Probably to figure out if I'm an alien or zombie.
Q. Why are YOU doing this? 7/10
A. Probably to assure people that I'm not an alien or zombie.
Q. What's your social security number and mother's maiden name? 5/10
A. "...Five." Tony Stark, Iron Man (2008)
Q. Do you mentally say "edible" or "eatable"? 3/10

A. If I'm super tired (which is the trend), eatable. If I'm not tired (which has been a while since happening), edible.


  1. Cool. That first question was unexpected.

    1. Highly unexpected, but not entirely uncalled for -shrug-

  2. 1) No! I haven't gone to Zona Fresca, is it any good? It sounds Italian. Fancy. :)

    2) Aww, thank you, Mark! I'm happy you liked it, actually Revelation says Jesus has burnished bronze feet, when He visits John, seven stars in one hand, seven lampstands in another, a voice like rushing waves, His hair was white like snow and wool, and like fire. Then how the narrator is sick is a reference to Mark 2:17.

    I said bronze hands, because it made sense to me put that there, if He got feet like that, why can't He bronze hands too? (I like Proverbs and Esther too.)

    3) Even if you wanted to date Gabby, you couldn't until I met you in person first.

    4) Do you live with Sherlock Holmes and The Great Mouse Detective?

    1. 1) It's super good! But...not exactly the cheapest place on the planet :/ And it's not Italian, it's Mexican :D

      2) -facepalm- Whelp, I've failed my Sunday School teacher xD And that seems logical

      3) That situation doesn't even need to be a hypothetical, we can just completely ignore that such an idea ever existed :/

      4) Uuuuuhhh...I feel like there's a joke or reference in there I don't understand? I've never heard of The Great Mouse Detective, and I'm not big on Sherlock Holmes. I had to google Holmes' address, but I used that because I knew off the top of my head he had an address and so it was convenient -shrug-

    2. I'm sorry you were offended by the question, but to be honest, it was supposed to be a joke. Mostly. :P

    3. Lol I know you meant it as a joke

      But an example of why timing and context is important? Shouting "Bomb!" in an airport (Not sure if you know or not, but apparently joking about weapons in an airport is against the law...or something...I can't quite remember what that airport sign said, but needless to say, it's a terrible idea)

    4. When you realize that you AREN'T the pun master after all. :/

  3. Ack foxes are amazing, one of the only reasons I liked foxface from the hunger games was just because of her nickname lol

    ….. Poor dog xD your adult life sounds miserable minus the snake, that's pretty cool. Though, you have to feed it live creatures which kind of stinks, cool pet though, what type would you want?

    And yesss sprite is amazing, never been a fan of crush, I kind of dislike orange flavored stuff xD

    Btw can I do one of these one day? I think it'd be fun to answer (Am I wrong about it being fun lol?)

    1. Oooooh, I forgot about Foxface O.O She was cool

      A snake that's small, not poisonous, and probably won't bite me. So likely a corn snake, those are common snake pets, I think

      Orange Crush isn't bad, I just...don't have good experiences with it xD

      Sure! :D And they're fun for the most part. There's the occasional question, however... -.-

    2. He be hating on me question hard. :/

    3. She was! She was honestly one of my favorite characters, Rue, Prime, Gale and Peeta were my others. I also had a heart for Katniss' mom too, she was very kind it seemed.

      Nice, cornsnakes seem pretty cool, I like water bandits, and garter snakes, common but neat lol

      Oof, idk who to feel bad more for so I'm just going to feel bad for you both lol

    4. It was a joke.


      Also Gabby, I sent a request for you to join my blog!

      And if Mirror Ant questions, I can picture it. One or the other. :P

      But in all honesty it was a joke, made for a good laugh! It wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I did want an actual response...but I guess that'll never happen.

    5. Rue was my all-time favorite character

      I haven't researched snakes, much :/

      Evidently, you won't get an actual response lol

    6. Oof! I can still dream though. :P

  4. For THAT question, i agree with Mark's response. This is the only slightly witty thing i could think of:

    I'd date Kyra (sorry Gabby). Beware though, she's EXTREMELY obnoxious and thinks she's the funniest thing since sliced bread. (TOTALLY how the saying goes) Also, today she REALLY likes making one word in all caps.

    i think doing one of these questionair things would be fun, but i'm afraid i'll get things like THAT question. XD :P

    1. I'd sarcastically comment on your modesty, but you DID actually write that in a way that implies you aren't the funniest thing since sliced bread, so you actually were modest xD

      And yeah, questions like THAT are the only reason I'd recommend not doing one lol

    2. Jeez people it was a joke. :/

    3. lol. Thanks...?

      Don't worry. It's just kind of an awkward/hilarious question. Questions like that makes things exciting. We also like to give you a though time.

    4. Exciting is one word for it lol

  5. Ok, for everyone who was upset, I WAS joking. And when I said "mostly" I was also joking. That question nor those comments were supposed to be taken seriously. IT WAS A JOKE. O_o

    1. I can't speak for everyone else (except perhaps Kyram who knows), but I certainly understood it as a joke, I was just giving you a bad time (and possibly trying to discourage a repeat of this joke in the future simultaneously)

    2. A comedian never tells the same pun twice.
      If so, something isn't right unless there is extended context.

    3. I tell the "Mirror Ant / Mere Ant" pun every single time I comment xD

    4. XD ik it was a joke @poetofsteel, no hard feelings :)

  6. ... How many farts? i honestly think that was overdue... but other than that... a zombie? Undead? alien? I have one question for you... ARE YOU STUPID FUNNY OR WEIRD FUNNY!? it's a mix...

    TO be honest again... are you even a HUMAN!?
    I'm overdoing this again... but really, who are you? some weird guy who makes weird jokes just to make people laugh? or do you look to the 90's? or WWII? are you a robot who answers questions perfectly?

    Either way...






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