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The Fever (Poem by Shaly)

As I laid frail on a weary thin cot of twine and of Tyrian purple velvet cushions (as the silk robe and cloak of a Byzantine emperor) my flesh shivered, As if lilac crystalline frost were my skinny sick quivering blue veins and fogged pale pearl (or white lily) ice of Winter was my crimson flamed blood, Then, silver sweat in the glint of a gold candle flame and the cinder chimney hearth, slicked (as a tongue of fire) through the crease of my brow, like a river, And as bells of gold rain in the Autumn fire, I tasted the white salt crystals of my darkened brow, a nurse, (an insolent nurse) rinsed a red washcloth in a porcelain bowl (of thin sketched blue Chinese art) and pressed with gentle fingers (gentle as ivory spider silk) upon my glistening forehead, that was red as wood. O’ Healer, I say a physician came to my chill chamber (chill as a prison cell, cold wind or a frozen hollow sigh) and he gave my reddened faced stout nurse, A vile (like a witch’s potion) of a green liquid pressed from the vines of ancient herbs of Arabia, which the fat nurse gave to me between my fatigued lips, Then, young maids with combed auburn and golden tresses, pale aprons (pale as my cheek), and hollow faces, cooked me a spiced brown broth at my hearth, But the stew of garden herbs and sweet vegetables, ached my purple-blue swollen throat, and the salt of my brow (as alexandrite gems) fell as broken golden drops. And before every cold lavender evening, the maids and the nurse would burn sweet essence of lilac blossoms and myrtle flowers, they had me stripped and bathed, In the water of blush rose petals, and my swelled feet were bandaged with rotten (and blackened) potatoes, but Healer, no mortal practice grasped my chill fever! Healer, my brown -red arms, gleam with the streaks of sweat and dark blue bleeding sores (like the boils of the plague) and quilts and scarves, in I am swathed, But nothing, tea nor broth, medicine or herbs, the steam of warm baths or the sweet nectar of citrus, nothing cures me! It is useless like the wine of drunken man or the pearls and diamonds of Cleopatra’s diadem! All sickens, nothing heals my hot-chill fever! But, you, you my Healer, the Great Physician! You can heal me with the touch of your bronze palm upon the crease of my brow! The vapor if the golden morning, Which is your soft breath shall cure my crisp iced fever, your sweet silver-pale lily stars rested at my flamed chest shall heal me, you will clean me more, than whipping!


  1. Wow, Shalymar, this is so so beautiful <3 I absolutely love this, is the Healer a representation of God? I felt that, and it just really spoke to me and gave me hope that God can heal even the one's who seem to be too far gone. This is a beautiful, hopeful piece and really shed some light into my life, thank you :)

    1. Hey, girl! :) How are you? (Sorry, for the late response, I have been really busy with school. Let's just say I love history, but its starting to really get on my nerves. Geometry at this moment, has a way better appeal. Plus, I got the best math teacher this year.)

      Thank you, I'm so happy it shed some light on your life. I felt maybe it was too negative to actually complete that goal.

      Anyway, yes my friend, the, "Healer," is representation or more of a nick- name for God. I have written two similar poems, to this one, both referencing Jesus and the Father as a healer or physician. One about a leper calling to God to rid him of his tormenting sores and boils, where the word, "heal," can be used as an equivalent to asking for forgiveness and the sores as symbol of sin. Where that piece is also a reference to Isiah 1:6, lines three to six.

      Then, I wrote another one called, "The Plague of Babylon," with similar symbolism, but this time instead of using the disease of leprosy, I reference to the Bubonic Plague. Where the buboes, replace the sores and also represent sin. Then, the ancient city of Babylon, is a symbol of human civilization as a whole. Similar to the symbolism of Babylon, in the book of Revelation. (I just read that in my study Bible in the margins. I actually never have read this book, because I am too much of a scaredy cat.)

      Now, about this one in particular, I use a, "fever," as the representation of sin. (Since, Jesus came to heal the spiritually sick, right?) And all the practices completed to cure the narrator of the poem are done in vain, representing meaningless sacraments and rituals done by people who want forgiveness, however, forgetting that the only way to receive forgiveness is through Jesus Christ. Then finally, the very last line is sort of used as a mock or form of irony, in a way, and also a reference to the Flagellant Movement, in the 10th century. Where, many individuals tried to receive, ask, and obtain salvation by whipping themselves till they bled, while sing Psalms, in front of the public. (Jesus totally doesn't say to do that, but I sort of understand the practice and feel bad for those who hurt themselves out of guilt.)


      When I was little, my mom would put potatoes on my feet, so it would help with my fever. I forgot what the actual purpose of this was for, but I know hated it. It felt so weird.

    2. Hey girl!
      I've been really good, busy, but good! I've reached that point of 'I'm so busy, I think I should spend my time procrastinating' again, so... been doing a lot of lil tid bits, but nothing I should be doing xD
      I did spend some time gardening today though, my frangi pangis bloomed earlier this year and had seeds which put lil sproutlings all over the ground, so I moved some of those into bigger pots and added a new flower bed with some bermilliads and 'lucky bamboo.'
      Wow, geometry over history, must be a rough course :( I'm happy to hear you have a good teacher in math though!
      And nooo, it wasn't too negative at all! It was beautiful and lifting in spirit, truly a beautiful piece.
      Goodness, your analogies and use of scripture in your pieces is so amazing, it's so amazing how you can reread your piece and every time, see a little more of what you intended it to be about and the threads of so many things in one piece with one main purpose, it just amazes me how you can do that!
      Wow, thats amazing, I never knew of that story before this! I just love how you can put so much meaning into one piece, I know I'm rambling a lot about that, but it's just so awesome to me of what you're capable of and the many stories you tell, it's truly amazing.
      Also... Potatoes? Did it work? xD I would assume it felt weird, potatos have kind of a scaly texture which I'm sure would feel terrible on the feet lol
      Oh! Speaking of potatoes, I checked my sweet potatoes today and seen at least two, one is on the smaller side but the other is about 2 inches! So excited to pick them ^.^

    3. That's good to hear! :) Yeah, I've reached that point too. School is becoming crazy. And that's just me who only does school. I don't know how you went through all those Virge submissions. (By the way, thank you, for what you said on the Beggar Maid.)

      To be honest, History isn't hard, I get good grades, I just hate how long the lessons are and how many notes I have to take, when in reality I get more historical information out of articles I can read under 3- 5 minutes. It's just a bore. Math is simpler for me is year, because first, both my parents are good at geometry and my dad remembers this field of math more clearly. Then. I have a good teacher.

      I love frangi pangis! (We call them plumerias.) My mom has a plant with flowers, but I don't know if they're blooming yet. I have to see. My uncle has a few of the same plants, and those are already flowering. (Do you think that would be a good cover photo for Virge, a picture of the Plumerias?)

      Girl, thank you! You give me way too much credit, though. I can't write that beautiful on my own. You know that piece of scripture, where Paul explained, he didn't come into this world speaking eloquent nor writing beautifully? I don't remember the rest, not the book or passage/ verse number. But, in some sense I sort of feel that way. Because if you spoke to me, conversationally, sometimes (all the time) I would ramble and not speak very pretty. So, I blame God for whatever beauty or interest you can find in my writing. For surely, I can't make anything beautiful in my own.

      Thank you, though! That really lifts my spirits.

      I hated the potatoes on my feet the same way I don't like racoons. (I like baby racoons, though. They are still sweet little critters. But, its when they grow up, learning all the evil racoon-y ways!)

      My family loves sweet potatoes, we really enjoy the orange ones. Which ones are you growing, the orange or white sweet potatoes? Maybe when you pick them, you can eat them with steak? That's t what my family does, when my mom buys a bag of sweet potatoes, My dad grills steak. Okay, now I'm getting hungry.

      Hey, are you in the debate club?

    4. Haha! Thank you! I don't know how either to be honest, and just when you think editing is over, it's time to go through and make the matchuplist, (meaning I have to reread every single submission and try to pair the best images with it.) I already paired "The Fall of Icarus" and I hope I did a good job with it. I also paired "The Sleeping Beauty" I believe... I think you wrote that one? Also, (you're welcome about the comment :))

      As for the history, I feel ya. My last history course was extremely excruciating in notes, just terrible. You're probably doing the same one I had done before, which is hard xD So good luck with that one! I'm glad to hear about geometry, however. I hear it's a hard course.

      Hmm, never heard frangi pangis called that before! Awww that's so nice! My dad and I were actually coming home from work one day and seen a yard sale and decided to check it out, nothing was there but as we were driving away, there was a house with a bunch of frangi pangi branches outside of it. So, my dad knocked on the door and asked the lady if we could have them, and we took home about 100 branches and planted all of them. And since then, the ones in my garden bloomed and had these seed pods and now, I have tons of lil baby frangi pangi plants, it's adorable. Also I have a morning glory flower that has about 6 buds that bloom every morning, it's so beautiful and a gorgeous lilac/ light magenta color!

      Also, I think that would be a gorgeous cover or layout, but I'm unsure if it would fit this edition's theme :( (I would love to see the image though!)

      Haha! You're very welcome! I remember something like that piece of scripture! Thats a beautiful thought process and so true, honestly though, I feel like God gave you a special gift with writing, it's so different and elegany and graceful, it's like every word you write comes from Him. Haha! That's funny, about the conversation thing, I can't speak properly to save my life xD
      I love raccoons, both baby and full grown, my dad being an animal trapper, I've taken care of baby coons and seen hundreds of big coons, which, are actually pretty terrifying up close, but for some reason I find them absolutely adorable. They're very sly, I've seen them get into/out of impossible situations before, but I still think they're cute xD Especially babies, lil pink paws and the tiny kitten like mews, so cute <3
      Ooo nice! I honestly don't know if I ever tried a sweet potato! And it's the orange ones! I actually dug a lil deeper today since I got excited and noticed that they were bigger than I originally thought. Ooo yes, steak would be amazing, I love too well done (where the steak is almost black and the gristle is super crispy) steak with worshershire sauce, (I believe that's how you spell it,) it adds a really good tang to it. Great, now I'm hungry and don't have steak XD

      Also, I am actually, I'm unsure if I'll stay though because they're doing live debates this year and I won't be able to travel.... so I probably won't be able to continue with the club, I mean I could, but it'd be pretty boring for me since I couldn't do much. Did you join this year? :)

  2. I'm sure you did awesome with pairing, "The Fall of Icarus," and, "The Sleeping Beauty." I'm not really sure of that piece, "The Sleeping Beauty." I had fallen in love with the 10 syllable line method for sonnets, and tried to do that with each line plus a rhyme scheme for each stanza, but near the end I gave up in the syllable form, so it is sort of mess. Plus, the story was not portrayed correctly and needed more thought with the plot and symbolism, and I rushed with the idea so I could get in another submission for Virge, and the whole poem came out sloppy. But, I know you did great with it! :) I'll go check the match-up list now, actually.

    Yeah, I got World History! It's amazing, really. I love learning about the Crusades, I know module 4 will cover the Protestant Reformation, which I'm excited for, and I love the lessons detailing each culture's and era's arts and literature. But, I hate taking notes.

    Oh my gosh, your garden sounds beautiful! You must have a really good green thumb, actually a jade thumb. That sounds fancy.

    Do you really mean that? I know my talent comes from God, and any beautiful thing I write... well beauty as a whole must come from Him, right? I just don't get it though, I have been really worrying lately if I'm even a true Christian or the Holy Spirit is within me or Jesus is in my heart. And you saying, that makes me feel good, you know. I don't how many I've asked Him to claim me, to in a way stay with me. And sometimes I feel, that Jesus probably hates me for all the things I've done and do. Sometimes, I even think I'm not one of those predestined to see God. In truth, hell is a horrible thing, and who wants to go there, right? But, I'm more afraid not belonging to Him, than actually going there. Because if I don't belong to God, who has me? No one. Then that must mean I'm of the world, or worse. I'm sorry, I got negative there. :( But, you saying that really makes me believe, I do belong to Jesus. If you truly feel, like that Gabby, that means God might be using me as some tool or medium. I hope He is or will. Thank you! :)

    I know you love raccoons. I wish I liked them, but I don't. I even read that rabbis thing where they are awake during the day, is just an urban legend. But, I don't know.

    Yes! I love steak the same exact way! That's probably why I liked you right off the bat, we love the steak the same way. :P

    No, I was going to join Debate this year, But, I joined Virge instead. I was just asking because I did the FSA this year, with a kid named Zack, who knows how to play chess. And we have chess board, but my mom forgot how to play. And the instructions on the game and on google are kind of complicated. I was just asking to see if you know the kid?

    1. I saw what you did. :) I love the images you matched with my poems. But, the one paired with, "The Sleeping Beauty," is familiar, you know? XD

    2. Hi, Shaly! Thank you for your kind comments! You're so kind! I hope I did well with the pairing, I'm unsure what exactly you meant by familiar (It's not finished yet, so I'm unsure if every pairing is going to stay the same) but do you think it should be something different?

      Ahhh I remember those! I enjoyed learning about the crusades too! That was a great subject besides the notes, I still have folders somewhere with hundreds of unneeded notes. I recommend the guided notes, you need to write a lot less than you would on your own, those helped me a lot. :)

      Thank you! I like to think I have a green thumb, my mom has attempted a garden several times and it usually dies, mine isn't in the best shape, but what is growing well is beautiful :)

      Also, I 100 percent mean that. Honestly, when I read your pieces, it brings me to God. Only someone who really has God in them can cause that because He's using the Holy Spirit through you, to me. And never feel unloved by God for what you've done. Honestly... I feel that way sometimes too, but then I remember that, He died for me, and why would someone who doesn't love me die for me? Anyways, that's just what I try to remember/think about when I feel unloved or uncared for, it really helps my mindset and change my thoughts. Honestly, I'm so happy my comments mean so much because they're so true. God is using you and has used you for amazing things <3

      Haha! I've actually seen them awake during the day, my dad and I actually seen one run across the road this morning!

      XD, haha! That's probably why we're friends ;)

      Ohhh, I remember Zach, (if he's the one from speech and debate?) goes by Zachery I believe? He was Vice president of Speech and Debate I think... he seemed pretty cool! I don't know him well, I met him in speech and debate, but I don't believe he returned this year, and if he has, I haven't seen him in the meetings yet. Oof, chess seems fun, I always get it confused with checkers though, I used to know how to play both but I can't remember right off the spot xD

    3. Your welcome! I love what you did with the images you paired with my poems. What I meant by familiar was you paired, "The Sleeping Beauty," with my painting and I found it funny, you know?

      That means a lot, thank you, I happy I've been able to do that for you, you've the same exact thing for me. To be honest, you were the one who partly inspired me to commit all my writing to Jesus. I forget about that major fact, a lot of the times, Maybe if I remembered what He did for me more often, I wouldn't be in pity- party and might become a better person. Thank you, for that!

      One time, I went outside to get my mom's wallet from the car, and when I was getting it from the glove compartment, through the window I saw a raccoon look straight at me and I was like 8 or 9, I freaked out and ran back into the house. In my head I was thinking, "The raccoon's going to eat me!" scary stuff, there.

      Yep, I think he goes by that. He was pretty cool, when I met him, Quiet and very intelligent, I think he was taking the Geometry FSA and was in 9th grade. I think he was explain to me how to play chess, but I tuned him out by accident though. My creative juices were flowing, I couldn't help it, I was thinking about writing. It was wither think about writing or listen about chess.

      We love checkers! No one can beat my mom, though, when she was little she spent a whole summer, just playing chess.

    4. Ohhhh gotchya, sorry! I misunderstood lol, btw, after a lot of work, just finished the matchuplist! I'm excited to see how your layouts turn out, I'm tempted to put my name on one to see what I could do with it ;) And thank you! I hope it looks as amazing as I picture it to look like when it's said in done, and yes, I get that now XD

      Awww, thank you so much, that means a lot to hear that me and my writing has had that affect on you. I've always wanted to write to help/inspire others and it's just awesome to hear I've actually done that, so thank you <3

      Haha! That's funny, and terrifying, I've heard a lot of stories about raccoon attacks and they usually do not end well.... so I know that'd be a crazy experience. xD

      He does seem very cool! He seemed very factual and intelligent in Speech and debate, I could imagine he'd be the same in real life lol. Haha! That same thought has occurred many times to me before, even though it's usually not about chess lol

      Oooo nice! That sounds so nice. I'm honestly a pro at foosball if I do say so myself xD My uncle is an actual pro, like he used to play competitions and win awards and stuff for it, and I've beaten him multiple times at the game, along with darts lol


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