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Showing posts from March, 2020

[Wattpad] A Mismatched Collection of Makeshift Poetry

Starting today, I will start building a poetry collection on Wattpad. Truthfully, about 90% of it will have been posted here on this blog, so it's not like anything really new will be posted there, but if you want to have all of my poetry in one place...well, I mean, it's there. *Novel cover by Ashlyn Hayes.

Q/A With Ashlyn Hayes

Ask your best and worst questions!


Hey, guys! Guess what? I now have a Wattpad account! Why? I'm not sure. Somethin' to do with writing, but I haven't fully decided yet. Anyways, my Wattpad username is QuoteAnt, since NexusFox was already taken for some reason. Feel free to follow me or whatever it is people do on that site...

One Chapter Ends, Another Begins

I'm becoming less and less a writer, and more and more a gamer, if I'm gonna be honest. My excitement for new story ideas dull much faster, I can't stay interested in my own stories, and my inspiration wells, quite frankly, are running try. Yet I still use book metaphors/analogies quite often. Why? Because it's quite relevant. None of us are book characters. (Or so we think.) None of us are on some epic adventure that will be remembered for generations. (Or, at least, I doubt anyone on this blog will be.) But all of us are on a journey of our own, and God's right there beside every last one of us. He sees our stories and our journeys, and that's enough. My own journey has been rather exciting thus far. I'm not old or wise, but it is clear to me that this journey is essentially the calm part of the rapids, and from here on out, things'll get rougher and rougher until I reach the end of the line and tumble over the edge. Where was I going with this? I ...

Hey There (Poem by Mark Borne)

Hey there, old friend, Hey there, dear sister, Hey there, best friend, Hey there, my brother, Hey there, lost friend.

Adventure (Poem by Mark Borne)

Hop on, tag along, I found the next quest! Press F2 to join the game, Come on, don't wait! I want to play with you, I want to hang out. So please join my quest: The reward is the ADVENTURE!

Distant Lovers (A poem by Ashlyn Hayes)

Is it possible to miss a person this much When they are someone you have never known? Is it possible to feel this magic touch Of phantom fingers adrift across your own? My friend and I are lovers In the most innocent of ways. Though they will never lie beneath my covers I hope that they will always stay. Through mystic fields we sometimes walk, Hands held firmly, side by side. We soar together yet do not talk, For voices reach not across the Great Divide. Is it possible to sing a crooning tale, To someone you will never meet? Is it possible to look beyond Death’s veil, And not go mad from such a feat?

Literary Submission Form Update

Due to how ugly posts tend to look without pictures, all posts from this moment on (update and information posts exempted) will have a photo. It's a required field in the form, now, where you can describe what photo you want attached. If you don't want to choose, there are instructions in the description of that question.

Happy Place (Poem by Mark Borne)

Green fields, Abundant forests, Silent springs, Pretty waterfalls, All beautiful, All peaceful. But then You tell me To visit my Happy Place, And it's now, here, With you beside me.

Watch Over Me (Poem by Mark Borne)

I'm a coward, I'm a liar, I'm a cheat, I'm a thief. Watch me, as I run from Your love. Watch me, as I claim to follow You. Watch me, as I act behind Your will. Watch me, as I steal Your holy name. Lord, I'm a sinner, So please, O Lord, Watch over me.

The Amazing Ashlyn Hayes

Ashlyn Hayes is a blogger new to this site, and I wanted to give her a shoutout! Why? 'Cause she's the one who completely changed this blog's design! In appreciation for Ash's help with this blog, I've featured her blog among the pages at the top of the blog! She's a great author, very talented, and she deserves a lot more views than she actually gets, so be sure to head over and check her out!

Dreams (A Short Story by Mark Borne)

The two figures sat sadly under the evening sky, taking in the golden sky and glowing clouds. "This is it, isn't it?" the boy asked. "This is where we part ways." "I wish it wasn't," the girl replied sadly, resting her head on the boy's shoulder. "I wish we could just stay here in this moment forever." The boy nodded sadly and gazed at the sky. "Even days must come to an end," he began muttering, drifting into a mournful monologue. "The light is always replaced with darkness, and all that breaths must again wake to reality." "But the night and darkness also give way to the light," the girl reminded him. "And eventually, we all fall asleep and dream again. Besides, there are also daydreams." The boy smiled, surprised she was the optimist this time instead of him. It amazed him how she was always exactly what he needed her to be, even without him telling her what was going through his head...

Twice a Day (A Short Story by Ashlyn Hayes)

Esther passed the spot where she was to die at least twice a day. Sometimes, that number increased, such as when she realized she had left something in the parking garage across the street from her workplace. At others, it decreased, such as when it was raining, or her heels were killing her, or some other atrocity occurred that forced her to take the Metro bus the rest of the way to her job. However, despite the thousands of times Esther passed the spot, a narrow strip of concrete that had been used for jaywalking since the road had been created, she only ever stopped one time. Caught up in a feeling of foreboding that she could not explain, she looked up and down Sanders Main, a small road where the top speed was thirty. Not a car was around, so Esther shook off the feeling as only her imagination and continued on. She worked at a PR firm, but unfortunately she held no lofty titles, merely that of an underpaid technological assistant. For years, Esther had attempted ...

A Chronicle of Starbucks (A Short Story by Ashlyn Hayes)

The boy who looks vaguely like Cameron Boyce meets my eyes awkwardly from across the room, then glances away again. Later, he drapes one leg over the arm of the chair, relaxing with his sister in tow. *** She does her homework, a pimpled teenager, with a darkened shirt and long brown hair that used to be dyed blonde, as evidenced from the last remnants of color at the tips. She works with a tutor on a school project while she talks trash about her family. *** A man sits, working on an assignment for his workplace, and he has been on the phone for the past ten minutes. *** An adult woman, Hispanic, looks for the cream, and she can't find it. Her drink was made wrong, and she is annoyed by it. The man is still talking on the phone. Udanti walked in, made polite conversation, then sat down facing away from us. The woman got her drink. The man stood up, finishing his phone call, walking outside, and leaving his belongings on the table. *** There is a man, about twen...

(UPDATED) Blog Redesign...Again

Heads up, the blog is getting a huge redesign. Most of it has already taken place, I think. Anyways, the formatting of past posts will be off, and for the sake of convenience, a majority of the labels have been removed. UPDATE: Don't use the newsletter thing until we can figure it out. It might be a newsletter to another site. Also, we are aware of several glitches.

The Dragonkeeper Preview: Out Now on ThePoetOfSteel's Blog!

I'm not sure how much of this story I'm going to share until I complete it. Given my track record with stories, it could be said I'm not sure how much I'm going to share of it period. But for now, the preview (which is Part 1 of Chapter 1) is available for reading on the Poet of Steel's blog! What is "The Dragonkeeper"? It's a D&D inspired short story- though it's a lengthy one. Some aspects of it are also inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Wars, and other major successful stories.

"Hidden Name" Spam Alert

Okay, I thought it vanished, so I felt free to simply pretend it never happened, but it returned. Essentially, there is a spamming spree against this blog. If you see a comment asking if you want to find out your hidden name meaning, do NOT click the link! It is SPAM!

The Future of the Blog

Because we need many kinds of blog updates titled, "What's Next?" and "The Future!" and so on so forth. But, in my defense, this is big, long-term news. I'd say bigger than my "BLOG NAME CHANGE!!! Yeah!" news. As high school begins to come to a close, I'm looking more and more into colleges and scholarships, and whew, am I behind! But the point is, I'm planning on going to college, and if I can earn enough scholarships and/or grants, I can go to college for the 2020/2021 school year, which would be amazing. There is a chance I may not be able to obtain the funds to go to college, in which case guess what I'll do? Get a job, and a life, and hopefully find some greater purpose God has laid out for me. Edit: I wrote this a while back. I've got a job now. Below is a list of all the things that'll change in both situations (me going to college versus me not being able to afford going to college), and also a list of what won...

Anomaly Identity Novel Prologue: Forgotten Dream

“No!” Lincoln shrieked, standing back up and standing beside his newside friends. Poppy, Zere, Andrea, Lily, and Rose all stared at him in marvel, but he ignored them. He hadn’t come to free the princesses. There was a personal score involved in this fight...and he was going to even that score. “You killed Abraham! You killed my brother!” The masked face stared back emotionlessly. “Is that what you think? Well, to an extent, it’s true.” “So you finally admit it!” Lincoln hissed. “I admit to nothing,” the man countered. “Look around. Five girls? Why aren’t there any princes involved in this adventure? How come all your companions are females? Because you’re dreaming, and of course you’re going to want a complicated love life in your dreams!” Nothing this man made sense to him. “I’m...dreaming?” My powers, my friends? It’s all fake? Am I insane? “Yes!” the man exclaimed, finally eager. “You finally get it! I’ve been trying to help you...

What Defines a Sith? (Star Wars According to Mark)

In Star Wars, the term "Sith" is used too quickly. Does this character have a red lightsaber? Use the Dark Side of the Force? He must be a Sith. Except that is not necessarily true. While all Sith use the Dark Side of the Force and traditionally wield red lightsabers, not every red-lightsaber-wielding Dark Force user is a Sith. In actuality, the Sith is an order, much like the Jedi. To top it off, it's a very selective order, only taking a single apprentice every fifty years or so. But to understand the current Sith, we must delve deep into the past of the order. ((WARNING! This article will contain spoilers for "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith" and "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker"!)) The Sith Empire The Sith Empire was in power during the time of the Old Republic- in legends, anyways. (No canon exists this far back, to my knowledge.) During the time of the Sith Empire, thousands upon thousands of Sith roamed the galaxy, with the primary int...


Okay, so, life struck. Due to reasons I will not be explaining, I won't be on as much. Hopefully soon that'll change, but we'll see. UPDATE: I've got a job, now! We'll see how things change overtime.

Bounty Hunters versus Smugglers: What's The Difference? (Star Wars According to Mark)

Many people use bounty hunter and smuggler are interchangeable terms, but here's a shocker: they're not the same thing, not one bit. Thankfully, logic prevails: a bounty hunter hunts for bounties, whereas a smuggler...well...smuggles stuff. But what other attributes differ between these two professions? Let's dive right in. Legality. Smuggling is a highly illegal profession. Their job centers around delivering illegal cargo from Point A to Point B without being caught.  Bounty Hunting is, actually, quite legal. They are hired to hunt down targets, and bring them dead or alive.  NOTE: While bounty hunting is a legal profession, that doesn't mean all bounty hunters perform legal activity. Bounty hunters like Boba Fett often worked for crime lords, and thus were considered criminals. Preferred Starships The preferred starship type of the smuggler is the light freighter. What they want is a small starship with a decent sized cargo hold, as well as plenty of ...