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One Chapter Ends, Another Begins

I'm becoming less and less a writer, and more and more a gamer, if I'm gonna be honest. My excitement for new story ideas dull much faster, I can't stay interested in my own stories, and my inspiration wells, quite frankly, are running try. Yet I still use book metaphors/analogies quite often. Why? Because it's quite relevant. None of us are book characters. (Or so we think.) None of us are on some epic adventure that will be remembered for generations. (Or, at least, I doubt anyone on this blog will be.) But all of us are on a journey of our own, and God's right there beside every last one of us. He sees our stories and our journeys, and that's enough.

My own journey has been rather exciting thus far. I'm not old or wise, but it is clear to me that this journey is essentially the calm part of the rapids, and from here on out, things'll get rougher and rougher until I reach the end of the line and tumble over the edge.

Where was I going with this? I had a point...



...okay, well, anyways, my new point is that a chapter has ended for me. The easy life is over, and I'll have to move on. Not from this blog, however. I'm stickin' around.

Ah, yes, there's my point! Okay, I'm making a list this time:

1) A chapter has ended for me, and the next stage of life begins.
2) Things will be changing. My schedule, my activity, and my income.

So...yeah. Okay, this post went from really touching and metaphorical, and it's ending on such a dull note.


  1. I really feel this, and I felt very similar last year as I was looking over my life so far. I do plan to be there for you/with you every step of the way if I can help it, and I can't wait to see the person you become. <3

    1. ...considering we've only met recently, I think it's safe to say that you've only seen me as the person I've become xD

    2. Right, as in the person you will become, or who you will be over the next year or so! :D

    3. Trust me, he's ALWAYS been the perfect person for friendship! But his puns can NEVER surpass mine. :P

    4. A) Eh, not really. I'm a terrible friend overall, I'm just vaguely entertaining
      B) Lettuce sea what the others have to say about it... :)

    5. A) Yes, yes you are XD

      B)You're kaleing me!

  2. Awww, wow, things are changing so much, I can't believe it. O.O Honestly? I get this so much and I hope wherever life takes you, you're happy there :) And you better not abandon this blog! I know I haven't been active lately but this thing is awesome and can never be destroyed


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