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Mark Borne News: Issue #7

Well, we have a lot of news to cover, I woke up late today, and I really want to get this out there, so I'll be to-the-point!

Kyra has written an addition to the Spring Collaborative Challenge (scroll down)! You can find it under the challenge's page. It's the third part.

Kyra, alas, has won the Spitfire-Kyra Competition. It looked tied, but someone wanted to vote anonymously for Kyra, and thus Kyra is the victor. -sighs- Sorry, Spitfire. I have failed you...

NEW BLOG HAS BEEN FEATURED! Visit Luxa's Corner here! In addition, I have posted a poem for Luxa on this blog! Check them out when you've got time!

Endgame: Hulk has been released! It's rather disappointing and lazy, but it's there.

Watching Time has been delayed for April. I have started a new writing system, where every month I set certain goals for my writing, and I have dedicated April to a couple of writing projects that are unrelated to this blog. In May, I will focus on writing 4 additional chapters of Watching Time.

The Kyra Marathon has taken place! We started with a nice comic titled "Death of a Trash Can", which was a sequel of my "Life of a Trash Can" poem. Then we moved on to a short and horrifying "Toes S'mores"...thing....-shudders in horror-. Afterwards, we moved on to "Paid the Price"; literally and figuratively. Then we read a poem called "Immortals" which was actually quite nice, before moving on to the final piece, "Cinderella in Space", which no joke, gave me nightmares.

Here's a riddle for you: A prisoner is told "If you tell a lie we will hang you; if you tell the truth we will shoot you." What can he say to save himself? (Credit to
"You will hang me."

Question of the Day: What should I do for the next Question of the Day?

Last time, I was curious about how many cats it took to unscrew a lightbulb...

Kyra: Well, considering the average cat is 9 inches tall and ceiling is 9 feet tall, I'll say if the cats create a tower, it'll require at the most 12 cats. If you create a cat pyramid, though...78

Mark (Me): My guess is 1; it commands the nearby humans to change it instead xD

Shaly: There only takes one cat to put up a light bulb and his name is Lark.

Lucy: I absolutely love the question of the day. And here's my answer: Zero. My cats are lazy, as many are. I don't think I can get them to do a conga line if I wanted to. Lol. But, wait, if the lightbulb rolls on the floor, it's anyone's game then. And then there's me left to pick up the pieces. :/ Yeah, I won't let my cats go near lightbulbs.

Marysa: What a purrfect question I don't know the name to.


  1. First, I have to know the crime of the prisoner to properly investigate this.

    I don't have an idea for a question of the day, but I got a couple for the riddles.

    There are three doors, that a ll lead a road to death. One door has fire and lava. The second door has snakes hanging the ceilings, slithering on the walls, they're every where. The third door has lions who have not eaten in years. Which door should you go in?

    What has 4 legs at dawn, two legs at noon, and 3 legs at evening?

    1. I know this is supposed to be fun, but this riddle really intrigues me and I know there is a right and wrong answer, however, I've decided to get technical. If you see, he is going to die, either way. And I googled the answer and I don't understand exactly how that will save him. I'd say tell the truth no matter what, because in a way depending on where they shoot the prisoner, there is a chance to live. Where, with lynching is a much more rapid death.So, for the technical part, this seems like a situation where he is going to die either way, so I would say if he really did something wrong and lived a life of crime, then accordance to the Bible, man has till his very final breath to repent for his sins and except Jesus as his savior and let Him into his heart. So, if the prisoner does die he is technically saved. Also, he could just pray for God to help him.

    2. xD


      Well, considering every factor, the lions, because if God chooses not to protect me, at least I'll die quickly -shrugs- Snakes can't kill very fast, and lava/fire isn't as fast as lions.

      I've definitely heard one like this, before...Idk, though :(

      True, true, but that's not the official riddle answer :)

    3. I'd take the lions. They are dead.

      Man. 4 legs, like as a baby crawls, 2 for when you walk, and 3 for an old person with a cane.

    4. Shoot, that makes sense xD

      But the riddle for that one hints at a single day?

  2. I WON! Take that Spitfire! (totally kidding. It was close! I thought I was going to loose, tbh.)

    I love your commentary of my works. Very accurate. What part of Cinderella haunted your dreams?

    The prisoner would just say "Ok." That's because "Ok" isn't a lie nor truth, so he's spared!

    Yeah, I'm with Shaly. the answer doesn't really make sense. :P Wait! Now I get it! It's a paradox! geddit, Shaly? If that is true, he will get shot, making it a lie, thus getting hung, because it is a lie, but then it's a truth...

    Maybe the Question of the day could be "Is Blaarg a noun, verb, adjective, name, adverb, ect? What does it mean?" (i'm leaning in the verb direction. It should mean "bludgeon to death with a soft object")--Like a pillow fight!

    Or "if trashcans gain sentience, where would they strike first?"

    Or "Why is the sky blue?"

    Or "Why m I not doing school?"

    Whoo! I made it onto the weird answer board! (surprise, surprise)

    1. Well, in fairness, Spitfire and I were the only two ones voting for her poem xD

      All. Of. It. -shudders-

      ...true, but that's not the answer xD

      I love paradoxes! :D

      ...-sigh- It's a word that means "To erase from existence" so, again, think twice before throwing that word around lol

    2. True.

      lol. So you didn't like the fairy god surfer?

      My favorite paradox is "today is opposite day."

      Can't you erase someone from existence via a soft object?

    3. -shudders-

      Nope, erasers only erase things in the present and future; if you blaarg something, it erases the past, too

    4. Oops. I accidentally blaarged one of my friends the Friday. That explains why I haven't heard from her recently...

  3. My sister killed an inchworm by trying to keep it.

    That is all.

    1. I've done that to crickets. I never understood why they couldn't survive in a sealed ziplock bag... :/

    2. We take care of about 500 live crickets at a time, my bearded dragon eats them.

    3. I can't even Mark I cant xD

      my dad did that when we had chameleons, Mars, oof, cleaning w.e they stay in is the worst lol


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