On a planet far, far away, not too long ago, a boy named Lucas has grown. For the sake of plot convenience, his father has returned, and he's gained several new friends. Consider this a Valentine's Day special- on the 29th of February. Also, sorry this is so short and cheesy. It was cooler in my head, like so many other things. Lucas and his friends gathered every Wednesday. Oftentimes, Lucas kept quiet. He didn't know what to say or what to do. Sure they were his friends, but talking to them felt strange. So he mostly kept quiet and added a comment or two here or there. Or sometimes, he just would sit there, not even listening. This was one of those times. "Hey, Lucas, we need backup," Jared said. "Jessica thinks she's an idiot and we're trying to convince her otherwise." Lucas snapped back into existence and studied Jessica. "Idiots wouldn't befriend Jared," he pointed. Jessica still pouted. "Nobody likes me, thou...
"Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs." -Proverbs 10:12, NIV Bible