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Shaly Q/A Answers

This is going to sound lame. I forgot this blog even existed for over 2 months and especially forgot about this thing. I’m really sorry, guys. I didn’t mean to, I just don’t know what happened. I was up at 2am researching Julius Caesar and French music, when I remembered. I’m really sorry, please forgive me? Gabby What is your favorite and least favorite poem by me? My favorite poem by you is that one where you mention being numb and Jesus saved you. I don’t remember the name, maybe it was called, “Numb?” Not sure, girlie, but I adored it. Least favorite? Easy. That “Poison Vine,” one. You went Marysa S. on me, and I absolutely hated it! (I don’t hate the poem, I just dislike it. But I hated reading something by you like that.) Do you listen to Why Don't We? Girl, I’ve searched them up like 3 times. I listened to maybe a quarter of a song. So, I’m not too big on them and I don’t listen to them. (I’m still not sure who they are.) But if we talk boy bands, I’m a Backstreet gal and I love Nick Lachey. What's your favorite color? Hmmm... I love rose pink, orange, wine red, and aqua. Do you play any instruments? No, but I’m trying to teach myself how to read music, so I can play the violin. I used to play like a few messy notes on a recorder in 4th grade. Does that count? What are you currently wearing? A big Walmart t-shirt and my soft sleep pants. What type of style do you have? Like with what? Clothes? Well, I like baggy clothes, giant t-shirts and long pants. But I also love leggings and long sleeved shirts. To sum up, I would wear ugly but comfy clothes over pretty and fashionable, any day of the week. Favorite song? Why? I can’t choose! There is, “Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely,” “You’re the Only Place,” “Alaboa,” “Soledad,” “My Baby You,” “Roll To Me,” “Careless Whisper...” the list is endless. I just love music! What's your own favorite poem? That’s easy, “The Fall of Icarus.” If you can have a master piece as a teenager, that’s it. But I’m still no Arthur Rimbaud. Do you still have those stories you sent to me a long time ago? Remember, it was like 3 different stories in one book? And there was a story about a brother and a little sister and a few others, I can't remember them all too well, but I adored them? Yeah, I do. I decided to change the setting. But now that you mention it, I guess for fun, I’ll just write it and not be over complicated and put it sometime in history. What is one trait of mine you dislike? You forget everything and sometimes you talk too much. What is your biggest pet peeve? When some cannot sit still! It’s like why do you have to move so much? Oh sweetheart you think you’re Percy Jackson with ADHD? Awww, come here, you won’t have to take medication or use fidget spinners ever again in your life! Let me just smack you, and see how that takes away all your moving outbursts. I have very low patience for when people move too much. And hypocritical comments, I hate that more than constant moving by a whole league. What is your favorite dessert? Arroz con Lecha and Churros! What is your favorite art piece? Oh, I love so many. But I think I have to say, “Diana or Christ?” By Edwin Long. If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be? A swan? Do you have any special items from your childhood that you'll always have? My teddy bear Lily and my stuffed penguin, Soda Pop. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I don’t know. But my sister said she saw me in 10 years from now, as a defense lawyer bailing Scott Peterson from jail. Yikes! I’d be the most hated person in the U.S.! Besides that, I think scribbling poems and novels somewhere in Europe. Or if God finds a bigger way than being swallowed by a giant fish, in the Middle East teaching about Jesus. Or better yet, refuting every argument which tries to counter God. I don’t want go to the wrong law school. If that makes sense? Do you want kids one day? Yes! I want a little boy with pale creamy cheeks, light green eyes, and golden hair. I would call him “Mi Principito,” meaning “My Little Prince,” as a nickname. Where his true name would be Aramis. What's one of your best childhood memories? I don’t know! None come to me in the spot. I’d have to say when I was with all my crazy cousins. What's one of the most embarrassing things you've ever done? (you don't have to answer if you don't want to xD) When I was 3 or 4, my family was at this park. I needed to go to the bathroom. I pulled my pants down and did my business in public. Favorite Flower? Hydraingas and Red Sunflowers. Can you swim? If course I can swim! I live in Florida! *Coughs* Hmmm... no I can’t. What's one of the craziest adventures you've ever been on? Gabby, do you know who you are talking to? I’ve never gone on any adventure! It’s me for crying out loud. Mark Borne What's your favorite poem by me? “Come Back, Come Back,” I think is the name. I absolutely adore it! What's your least favorite thing to eat from your favorite restaurant? My favorite place to eat is... I don’t have a favorite restaurant. I like food too much. What's your favorite thing to eat from your least favorite restaurant? I am Pollo Tropical-out. But my favorite thing from there is the BLT Crispy Chicken Sandwich. Kyra WHat is your favorite peom that you have written? “The Fall of Icarus.” Do you have any pets? I did. My dog passed away in November. And I don’t want anymore pets. All they do is eat, sleep, poop, and die. That’s not fair. What is your favorite book? “Stargirl” and “The Great Gatsby.” What is your favorite dance move? I don’t know... but I love the Waltz and Tango dance. Does that count? Do you want to build a taco army with me? Only if the tacos are burritos and I get to eat them. (And I mean some pretty fat burritos.) DO you wannna build a snowman? Yes. Take me somewhere cold, please? I’m allergic to the heat. What is your dream career? To be an author or criminal defense lawyer or to be a missionary. What is your personality type (Myers Briggs 16 personalities)? It literally told me I was a Peacemaker. And I have too much of a bad temper to be a peacemaker. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas and my Birthday. If a taco was a person, would you consider dating one? No, of course not. I would eat them. 12. If you dated a taco, would you eat it? I wouldn’t date them, just eat them. If tacos were people and you ate them, would that be a crime? No, they’re tacos. It’s they’re fault they’re delicious. If tacos were people and you ate them and then was put in jail for it, is it worth it? No. It was not worth it. Stupid taco got me in jail. What is your favorite subject in school? English, History, Music, and Art.


  1. First off, will we forgive you? You must've also forgotten who we are, 'cause why wouldn't we forgive you? xD

    -reads your comment about your pet peeve- Um...never meet me in person? xD I've got ADHD, and while I don't need to take medication or anything, if I get super excited or super nervous, I'm all over the place

    Ah, "Come Back, Come Back, I Say"...that was, like, THE first poem I wrote. I wrote two variants, but lost the first one years ago, so the one you've read is the better designed remake xD

    Pets do a little more than that. I mean, sure, they DO do all that, but some animals, like dogs and sugar gliders, develop a level of empathy, and actually learn to recognize when you're upset. Then when they're upset, they try to comfort you. Dogs probably are a hassle to take care of, I'll admit, but sugar gliders are super low maintenance; all you really need to do is hang out when them daily, since they're super social animals

    INFP? Is that your Meyer Brigg's personality type? Honestly, I could see that being you. They're generally considered peacemakers and mediators and stuff, but they actually do have a habit of being easily offended, too, ironically. Temper, I think, is just something any trait can possess. Fun fact: I've been considered an ENFP for ages, but now all the accurate sites think I'm INFP

    Kyra, let's not introduce Shaly to friend :/ Assuming YOU haven't eaten that taco friend lol

    1. Wait, I think it was actually called "Turn Back, Turn Back, I Say"... :/

      Obviously, my memory revolving around that poem is absolutely stunning xD

  2. Great Q+A! I loved how you answered the questions!

    *GASP* Not my enemy *narrows eyes* BURRITO


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