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Mark Borne News: Issue #8

I've now got 8 issues. Here's my list so far:

1. Virtual donuts are tasteless
2. Blog archive seems to not be working right
3. I've got no inspiration
4. The library doesn't have the next book in a series I'm reading
5. Still no inspiration
6. Zzzzzzzzz....
7. Took me two days longer to write this than I'd hoped
8. Virtual coffee beans are also tasteless

(This is my most creative on-the-fly joke so far)

Anyways, on to important club business!

For starters, the blog archive hasn't been working for some people, and I think I know what the problem is, but if I'm write, then it's the way I've formatted my blog. This means it cannot be fixed until I change the formatting of the blog (Blog 4.0 Update: Coming Sometime In The Next 40 Years). An easy detour is using the search bar in the top-right corner of the screen to find what you're looking for.

Also, this blog has become a temporary desert, as it gets precisely 0 inches of inspiration during the summer, apparently. I've got a few story projects I'm working on, but I'm not quite ready to abandon Watching Time, so I will refrain from posting them.

I'm considering writing another humor series called "Mark's Guide" which will include step-by-step instructions on how to not do something correctly; for instance, dropping a library book in the rain when you don't want to pay fines. Let me know what you think, and whether I should take this into more serious consideration.

LUCAS STORIES HAS RETURNED! As none of you noticed (or neglected to mention), Lucas Stories didn't appear in April. That's because of this terrible condition called "Forgetfulness" that came over me. But it's back with Lucas' Birthday!

We also have a new author, Sila en Anor! Check out her "A Letter to Broccolini"!

(No Riddle or Question of the Day this time)

Last time, I asked, "What should I do for Question of the Day?" Let's check out the responses!

Shaly: I don't have an idea for a question of the day
(Neither do I, apparently xD )

Kyra: "Is Blaarg a noun, verb, adjective, name, adverb, ect? What does it mean?"
(Kyra, literally no one I know can both irritate me and amuse me at the same time, escape you. That's not a compliment, by the way)

Also Kyra: "Why m I not doing school?"
(Typo! :D )


  1. GAH!!! Puns! it took me longer than it should to get it.

    1. Whaaa??? Mind blown!

    2. I hope you can fix it.


    4. That's evil! Come on, library! You're supposed to have everything!

    5. You and me both

    6. *Snore*

    7. Hey, 2 days late is better than not at all. (life lessons from a lazy person)

    8. What about virtual coffee, though?

    Oh, in the first paragraph of "business" you accidently typed "write" instead of "right", but I'm gonna pretend that's a pun. XD

    That would be awesome! I love your snarky commentry.

    "Dropping a library book in the rain when you don't want to pay fines"--that's awfully specific. Did you do that?

    Huh. I totally missed that it didn't appear in April.

    Welcome Sila en Anor!

    Even though that's not a compliment (you claim it isn't, at least) I am flattered. When reading it, I thought, "awww" but then I saw the note at the end and thought, "come on!"

    1. 1. I KNOW!
      2. ...I can, as the issue betrays lol
      4. Or nearly everything -shrug-
      7. YES! :D
      8. Nope, just tried it, it's also tasteless -shrug-

      It was a pun :P I guess it's not obvious enough. Should I change it to "right" to be serious?

      Thankfully not yet, but I had to come up with a good example that I would never actually do xD

      Told you! :D

      Yes, welcome Sila en Anor! Belated welcome, at any rate lol

      It's still not a compliment, though lol

    2. 7. So, are you ready to follow [Kyra] and maybe learn a few life lessons along the way?

      8. Nooooooo!!


      I've done that. :P

      Technicalities. XD

    3. 7., no? I'm trying not to be lazy, and I pointed that fact out first, so I'm pretty sure in this instance, you're Lego Robin, and I'm Lego Batman

      8. I know :(

      Bummer :/


      Technicalities are important :O

    4. Thanks guys!

      Mark's Guide could definitely be amusing.

      Kyra, what is it with you and Blaarg?! XD

      Also I saw Endgame. ;)

    5. To Mark:

      So I'm the comical and optimistic one and you're the angsty and depressed loner/playboy....? That doesn't sound right.

      Depending on when the technicalities benifit me. XD

      To Sila en Anor:

      You're welcome!


      Well for one it freaks out Mark... XD

      Yay! Did you like it?

    6. @Sila ENDGAME!!! :D It's my favorite movie ever! (I decided; I like it more than Into The Spiderverse or Ready Player One)

      @Kyra No, I'm the cool one, you're the inexperienced one, that's what I meant :/

      Also @Kyra It doesn't freak me out, it just annoys me; as the creator of the word "blaarg", I feel I should know its meaning better than you :P

    7. Endgame was really good. It wasn't really what I was expecting, but it was actually a better culmination to everything than what I was expecting. Can't wait to talk about it on Sunday ;)

      Wait, Mark created Blaarg?! I thought it was Kyra's creation!!! Mindblown

    8. Mark, yeah, you're cool is execeptable, but inexperienced... *scoffs* in life, yes, but experiences, nope. XD

      Lol. True. Annoyed is a better word choice. XD

    9. Yes, I created the word blaarg lol

      Its definition is, "To erase from existence", and it is NOT a llama's name

    10. Lol XD

  2. How about this riddle, ""Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet?" Kind of familiar, right?

    Anyway, I have been going through the same thing, Mark. I have all this inspiration, great ideas, and I just forget or is to lazy to put them to use. Also, I'm kind of afraid I won't like my own work, I annoy myself often like this.

    Why would you do such a thing to the poor book? That is form of unforgivable destruction. (If I ever publish a book that ends up in the library, you better not do that to my baby, or I'll know and... slap you silly. Yeah, that's what I'll do. :p)

    1. Yes, it very much is it a Bible reference? Maybe?


      I'm SOOOOO scared xD

    2. Yeah, it's a riddle from the Bible. :)

      Think, a real big stubborn guy. It's a cool riddle though. And it's one of my favorite stories.

    3. From the story of Samson, right?

      I totally agree with you on the book thing, Shaly. I'm very protective of books. ;)

    4. Hi, Sila. :) Yeah, the riddle is from the story of Samson. I thought it was kind of nerdy to say anything about this riddle, but it's a pretty cool and clever one.

    5. Hey, it's good to be a Bible nerd ;)

  3. Wow, sounds like a lot of issues. Lol.
    Also, have you ever tried virtual cookies? They're pretty bland too.

    Mark's Guide is something I'd be interested in reading. I can relate to that example about library books. Lol.

    -Gasp- No riddle or question of the day?? The horror!

    1. Yes, and at somepoint, I'm going to have nine of them -nods-

      I have, but they have too much history -shrug- ( worst pun ever :/ )

      Neat :D

      YES! :O WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING? -inches out of room-


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