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Q/A Answers for Ashlyn Hayes

Hello all! Here are my answers for the Q/A session!!


Do you relate to potatoes on an emotional level?
I can’t say that I do. I’m boring that way, but I do relate to pineapples on an emotional level. 

Weirdest food you ever have eaten?
Peeps or sloppy joes. XD I should have more, but I suddenly can’t remember anything :P

Funniest joke?
3.14% of people are pirates. xD Or
Why couldn’t the angle get a loan? Because his parents wouldn’t cosign. Bum bum TISH xD

Do you think narwhals are a government conspiracy theory?
Nah, that’s for the pineapples to decide.

If you had the ability to go to the Area 51 raid last year, would you show?
Only to the party. I heard they weren’t letting people set everything on fire, but if I had shown, I’d have probably been in the Karen Line. XD

Most threatening vegetable?
Asparagus D:

Cutest species of whale?
Beluga :D

Is Ohio a coverup for aliens?
You are thinking in the wrong direction. :O Everyone knows that Nevada is the cover up for aliens. XD

What's your favorite color?
Forest green and gold! :D

What do you do when you're bored?
I answer questions off the Internet, knit, read, write, talk to friends, and overall try not to set anyone on fire! :D

Should human eyes be replaced with googly eyes?
No, googly eyes are creepy. O.O

If so, should the googly eyes allow you to google things in your mind?
Yes, but such power should only be for the keen of mind and brave of heart!

Which scares you more, British people or people named Kevin?
Neither can scare me! :D

How old are you mentally?

Should Winnie the Pooh wear pants?
Uhhhh I have no idea XDDD

An if Winnie the Pooh wears clothes in-universe, if Tigger running around nude?
The very idea is terrifying, even though that is exactly what happened O.O 

What's your favorite toe?
The pinky toe on my right foot xD

Wait, do you even have toes? ARE YOU AN ALIEN!?
YoU wILL nEver kNOw

Are you from Ohio? (We're onto you)
O.O Wisconsin…. XD

What planet are you from?
….Mars…isn’t everyone? XD


1. If you've ever played truth or dare, what's the craziest dare you've done?
I tried to sell a random stranger a ride on a paper airplane once XDDD

2. If you could meet any author ever and talk to them for one hour, who would it be and what would you like to talk about?
Deliah Owens, (she wrote Where the Crawdads Sing). I would ask her about her travels, what she learned, why she wrote her book, and I think I would learn a LOT! :D

3. Apple or Android?
A N D R O I D is by far superior…but I’m stuck with an Apple Iphone XD

4. Aliens just attacked the earth. What do you do?
Organize the rebellion and become the leader who meets with the aliens for a peace treaty and convinces them to go back to their planet. XD

5. Win a million dollars at once or get 20k a year the rest of your life?
20k a year for the rest of my life!!!!!! BY FAR :DDD XD

bonfire during night


  1. A million dollars all at once is more money, so that one xD

  2. I did my math wrong. XD I mean a million on the last question :P

  3. Your answers are hilarious! Thanks for playing along :)

    1. Thank YOU for the great questions!!! It was a ton of fun :D XD

  4. Love the answers! You just keep getting more and more interesting XD Oml the paper airplane thing, I love that XDD

    1. Thank you! XD It's a long story XD

  5. Hi, Ashlyn! No, no, no, I think you got it wrong. Not everyone is from Mars-men are from Mars and women are from Venus, instituted by mythological purposes. (I wish I could have asked questions when this opened up.)

    I never knew you guys liked aliens so much.

    Poet of Steel, haven't you heard of Area 51, that's in Nevada.


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