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Dwarvish Castle Build: Entrance

Alright, so, the Dwarvish castle build is progressing smoothly, though I'll warn you, it's not going to feel like a castle at all. Kinda wish I'd named the other build Dwarvish Tower, and this one could be Dwarvish Fortress.

But, this update for the castle build is about the entrance, which I've finished.

This is what I call the Courtyard. Unfortunately, some of the details clash, but...well...dwarves aren't known for being pretty. Mostly made of stone and functional, as well as lots of lava.

Another look at the Courtyard, which gives you an idea what the inside kinda looks like. Like I said, lots of lava.

The Courtyard leads to the Trail, which leads to the actual entrance. The trail has about 50x more detail than I'd originally planned, since I had to cover up a few miscalculations. In the end, though, it looks rather normal, thus there's no close-up.

The entrance gives us a break from pure stone, and includes a nice, oversized arch made of birch. Along with braziers on top, which are bound to set the entire arch on fire. 

This close-up gives the entrance a better look. I have a simple mechanism that controls the door. When it's daytime, the door will be open, when it's nighttime, the door will shut. This photo also gives you a good look at the details that went into the entrance.

Unfortunately, the inside still looks rather poor. I would not consider setting up a siege against this castle yet, as it's utterly barren. After finishing this, I started working on the walls, and I made a grave mistake. See for yourselves:

I started building the wall out of Polished Andesite initially, when mapping out where the walls would be. Then, after doing the entrance, I came back and forgot to switch back to Polished Andesite, and thus built a wall section made out of Stone Bricks. I'm planning on actually removing the Andesite and replacing it with Bricks, though the inside will probably feature Andesite walls.

Anyways, that's the first Dwarvish Castle Build update! Hope you enjoyed!


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