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10 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About Lightsabers

10. Lightsaber crystals weren't always kyber crystals. If you're not a nerd, you probably don't know what kyber crystals even are, and if you're a nerd, you'd probably describe lightsaber crystals as being referred to as "Kyber crystals", which are the lifeforce of the lightsaber. I've got news for you, though: kyber crystals weren't required to power lightsabers. In ancient times, Jedi had power packs attached to their lightsabers to supercharge them. And while it's never been very common, there are certain types of crystals that could replace kyber crystals. The most notable kind is one found in the novel, "Master and Apprentice". An orange crystal is found, and while it's not a kyber crystal, it can create an orange lightsaber.

9. The Darksaber is the rarest form of lightsaber. The Darksaber was created by a Mandalorian Jedi. The significance of the blade was its ability to subtract light, rather than add it, giving the blade what appeared to be a white outline, and an extremely dark black core. Not only is the color black found nowhere else in the Star Wars universe so far, but the hilt of the lightsaber is flat, leaving no room for a kyber crystal. I wonder how the Darksaber works?

8. The rarest kyber crystal color is not purple. There are kyber crystal colors rarer than purple, for instance orange and pink. (Orange I know a lot about; I haven't gone in-depth in research regarding the pink color.) Beyond these colors, however, there is the rarest lightsaber color ever: light brown. It can only be formed if one collects a kyber crystal of every color and merges them, which is an incredibly dangerous and difficult process. This color is not actually a part of the official Disney universe, yet, but in the original official universe, Luke was known to have made one and have gifted it. Who he gifted it to is unknown, and probably forever will be since the Legends universe is shut down.

7. Lightsaber colors have meanings. Blue stands for peace and justice, for instance. Yellow stands for wisdom. Purple represents a combination of the Dark and Light Sides of the Force. When a lightsaber crystal is place in a lightsaber and activated, it forms an attachment to the wielder, and creates a color to match who the wielder is. From there on out, the crystal will naturally remain that color. (If you're curious what yours would be, leave a brief [yet ambiguous! This is still an online site] summary of your personality and I'll see if I can track down your lightsaber color.)

6. Red and White are not natural lightsaber colors. Red lightsabers are created when a kyber crystal is "bled" out. This process is typically used by Sith, and other Dark Side wielders, though even a Jedi can bleed a kyber crystal. Because of that, the meaning of red lightsaber crystals is blurred; it really depends who you ask. A white lightsaber is created when a red lightsaber crystal is purified. It reverses the effects of the bleeding and heals the crystal, however instead of reverting to its original color, the lightsaber turns white. Sith and other Dark Side wielders are, as far as we know, unable to purify a bled crystal. White is believed (in Legends, as Canon doesn't have an official explanation yet) to represent loyalty and devotion.

5. Luke wasn't meant to have a green lightsaber. At least, not initially. Originally, he was supposed to have a blue one. In the end, however, they changed it to green so the lightsaber blade was easily visible against Tatooine's sky. Smart choice, in my opinion.

4. Kyber crystals do more than determine a blade's color. Some lightsaber crystals have specific properties. Turquoise lightsabers, for instance, provide more power, but have a greater chance of failing under pressure.

3. There are more than just 3 kinds of lightsabers. Sure, we know the standard lightsabers, and the double-sided saber, and Kylo Ren's crossguard lightsaber. Did you know, however, that there are other kinds? One other kind that appears in the films is a shoto-saber. It's a lightsaber with a shorter blade, and usually a shorter hilt, too. It's primarily used to dual-wielding, although smaller Jedi, such as Master Yoda, utilized it on its own. There are also lightsaber whips, lightsaber batons, lightsaber blasters, and so much more!

2. Attack of the Clones is home to the duel of two of the best lightsaber wielders ever. Count Dooku, the best lightsaber duelist in the films, fights Grandmaster Yoda in Attack of the Clones. The duel doesn't look like much, however the two duelists were actually the best lightsaber duelists at the time. I mean, think about it: if Anakin Skywalker was an amazing lightsaber wielder, how could he and his master not defeat Dooku alone in the same movie?

1. A real prototype protosaber has been created! A protosaber is a lightsaber that doesn't utilize a kyber crystal, but instead uses a power pack. Hacksmith created a protosaber in real life, and even tested it. It works! Unfortunately, real lightsabers are an impossibility. A real lightsaber uses a kyber crystal, and kyber crystals are entirely fictional, so we can expect the protosaber to be the closest we get to a real lightsaber.


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