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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Last night, at about 8:25, I got to preorder the game. I literally preordered the game less than 4 hours to its release in the United States, so I'm actually not quite sure how much of a preorder it is. Anyways, point is, I have the game, and at the time of which you're reading this article, installation has probably finished and I've probably logged on.

Now, I've done a lot of research into this game, and there are some initial points I'd like to bring up about it. (Note that as of writing this article, I still haven't tried the game firsthand.)

  1. Lightsaber customization is, apparently, amazing. You can customize the top part of your lightsaber, the bottom part of it, the material it's made from, and the lightsaber blade color itself. Jedi: Fallen Order is also the first time an orange lightsaber blade is canon, however you can only obtain it by preordering the game. (Even if you preorder a couple of minutes before release, which definitely isn't a preorder. And I bet some've done that.)
  2. You can't button-mash through the game. This seems like a con at first glance, but the flip side is, you have to strategize your combat. Jumping in and slamming your attack button will likely get you killed. You need to learn to parry attacks, wait for openings, and sometimes restrain yourself from entering battle until a battle between those weird flame beetles and stormtroopers has ended, so you don't have to fight two armies. I love, love, love, love, love strategic combat.
  3. PLENTY of content to explore. I could be playing for a month and probably still not finish everything. One person said he played 3 hours and only explored 30% of one planet, out of an unknown number of planets (it's known, just not by me. I'm avoiding spoilers). Another person did 8 hours worth of livestreams, strictly following the story, and from what I can tell, he's still on the second planet. That second guy actually said something along the lines of, "It's definitely not a game you can speedrun in 5-6 hours. Maybe if you dedicated about 20 hours, maybe you could speedrun it? I don't know, I'd have to finish the game, first, but that's my first impression." So, PLENTY of content.
Now, the cons:
  1. Absolutely zero fast travel. So if you walk away from your ship and explore in one direction for thirty minutes, it's going to take thirty minutes to get back to your ship. Honestly, I think they should add a fast travel function, but only for getting to your ship. I don't care about branching out and exploring the world, but as the earlier mentioned second person said, "There's no side quests or random encounters, so there's really nothing to do but walk back through places you've already been, and kill enemies if they've respawned."
  2. Cal, BD-1, and ship customizations are pretty useless. With Cal, you can essentially just change the color of his poncho (or remove it altogether), and change the color of his actual outfit. BD-1 seems to have decent customization options, but it's really just different pattern and color combos. And you won't see much of the outside of the ship, so that's literally pointless. Maybe give Cal certain accessories, and BD-1 could have patterns and colors separate of each other? The ship's always going to be pointless, though.
  3. There is no third con. Yet.
So, anyways, after a few days of playing the game, I'll leave a "First Impressions" review, and when I finish, I'll leave a "Full" review and a "Story" review.

If you stuck with me through this entire article, thanks! My rambling filler posts can be burdensome (to read as well as to write), I think, so I appreciate it.


  1. You lucky duck. I have to wait until Christmas.
    No fast travel? O_O that's not gonna be fun.

    1. So far, the lack of fast travel isn't bothering me. I just finished the tutorial and completed, like, 75% of the starter planet (and then traveled to the next planet), and it's actually fun. The route I took to get back to the ship was a new route for me, and I accidentally stumbled into a secret boss fight (I was worried I was going to die, for a moment), which gave me an extra skill point and some neat rewards :D

  2. Yay! You got Jedi Fallen order!

    So... If you're. new gamer, the need for strategics and lack of fast-travel is a deterrent. :P

    1. Lack of fast travel is definitely a deterrent. And the strategic combat part isn't that bad, actually. I'm only on story mode, sure, so all the enemies are scaled down, but it's mostly just keeping an eye on every enemy and making sure they don't surround you. Then you just block attacks, and when you see an opening, start slamming down the attack button

      The only super annoying fight I've encountered was against the Second Sister in the tutorial, but mostly because it was designed to be unbeatable. You just had to survive long enough and the next part of the story would kick in

    2. That's just rude. Only way to beat said person now is to hack the system! -Grabs a bunch of extra tech-

    3. Lol You get to defeat her later on. Then _________ kills her before turning and trying to kill you :) (HUGE spoilers, sorry lol)

  3. How far have you gotten in the game?

    1. I've finished the storyline, and I've completed at least 91% of the total game (though I explored for an extra 30 minutes after that and didn't check my progress, so I might've gotten to 92%)

      After I achieve 100%, I'm going to start a new game on the highest difficulty :D


    3. Well, it's not really a 20 hour campaign. A youtuber's first impression was that a 20 hour speedrun might be able to do it, but as the story goes on, it becomes more fast-paced, and things move a lot faster, so the length of the game is easy to overestimate


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