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BACK! With More Content Planned!

So, this wonderful vacation has given me several opportunities:

  1. Imagine what life would be like if I made smarter choices
  2. Plot Story Ideas
  3. Watch the Chronicles of Narnia movies (or, at least, the first two)
  4. Slouch in shame as Aslan says we can't know for sure what something might have been (see Opportunity 1)
Sorry to say, but none of these story ideas are relevant to this blog, and I have no new poetry (my Poetry Ideas Well has dried up), so none of that'll be exciting. But, because of Narnia ("For Aslan!"), I've expanded my somewhat unsuccessful Rewatch series to other movies. The first two you can expect to see? "The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" and "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian". Disney+ does not offer "The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader", but if I can get a hold of it at my local library, I'll try to rewatch that one soon enough, too.

Some other series I'll likely rewatch? Take a look!
  1. Cars
  2. Toy Story
    1. DEFINITELY want to rewatch this one!
  3. Other Pixar Movies
    1. I know, very specific
  4. The Hobbit
  5. Possibly "Lord of the Rings"?
    1. Those would be incredibly long, so I'm hesitant. I'd probably end up doing every half-disk for that movie, and considering how each movie is split into 2 parts (the downfall of the special edition), that would result in a 12-part series, I think. But if there's enough hype, I'll probably try to do this one, too.
If you have any other suggestions, let me know. With this on my plate, I will undoubtedly start running out of time again, but eventually I'll find myself wallowing in boredom, so any suggestion you have delays the inevitable.


  1. The begining is both hilarious and depressing.

    1. I definitely did not mean to be depressing, so let's lean all our mental weight on hilarious :/

    2. well, it's funny, but also a funny way. XD


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