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The Future of the Blog and Roleplay Update

The primary focus of this post is the Nexus Blog 4.0 Update. Nexus Blog 3.0 lasted about as long as 1.0 and 2.0 combined, so I think it was a pretty good run overall, however, there are a few glitches I want to fix that I think are caused by the format of the blog, which is incompatible with the layout. So, new design!

The Nexus Blog 4.0 Update is going to retain the gray background, if I can help it. For many of my posts, I have to change the text background to be the same, but they don't change when the blog does, so I'm going to try to keep the background the same. The layout of the blog and the red/purple secondary colors are the primary target of change. If you have any recommendations for the Nexus Blog 4.0 Update, let me know! I'd appreciate advice!

Also, for all you Roleplayers, feel free to create a second character!


  1. I love what you did! One question, where is the role-play and communication form?

    1. Well, it's not finished yet. I have a notice off to the side that explains that. As far as the pages, I'm still working on it; when I downloaded the uploaded the theme from the test blog, it copied all the formatting preferences, too, and that messed a TON of stuff up

    2. lol. Well, I love the appearance. It looks really classy.

    3. Lol Thanks :D
      I think I've gotten all the major things fixed, now, including the pages. That means the roleplay can once again be accessed!

    4. Yay! (Dang, I can't get enough of this new theme!)

  2. It looks nice, I like the change, the only thing I would suggest is maybe a little darker green for the text or make a shadow? it's a tad hard to read for me, but it might just be me. Otherwise it looks great and I love the colors, even the green looks good, just a lil too bright to read I think :)

    1. I missed this message!
      I can try, but none of the greens were very visible, except this one. The neon colors were the only that actually showed up well

  3. Replies
    1. It has :/
      Life has been very chaotic/busy the last week for me

    2. Life hasn't been well..
      It has, but not in my head.

  4. Impressive.



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