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Story Feedback Form

If you happen to be bored (BORED; not procrastinating! Several of my friends read my blog when they should be making school a priority. Yes, several, more than one. I'm not a great role-model, I guess) and you happened to have read my Watching Time story so far, I have an idea...

Go to this link and complete a survey about Watching Time Part 1: Belonging, and give me ideas for how to continue the story! It's that simple!

Of course, if it's simple, it'll only cure boredom for about two minutes. On the bright side, for those who probably won't listen, it only causes people to procrastinate about two minutes, as well! :D

-Mark Borne


  1. Yeah... I'm procrastinating XD

    Also I don't see the form?

    1. Shoot, forgot to add the link -.- It's up there, now lol

    2. Haha! That's funny, I do that a lot but with like submitting work and stuff xD

      And just filled it out :)

    3. You're really rooting for that Myra/John combination, aren't you? xD

  2. I have a feeling that passive-agressive comment was adressed to Gabby and I. XD

    This is so cool! I filled one out. It was fun!

    1. Yeah, it was xD

      Lucas' dad didn't "dieded"! Not yet, anyways. I promised Rysa I'd have a reunion, thus I am going to ensure Lucas' dad returns for at least one more episode lol

      But, two other consistent characters (or, semi-consistent; they'll be recurring characters) will be the girl from the February Lucas Stories and Lark, the only character called by their name in the story

    2. I thought he went off to war... oh well.

      Yeah! Poor Lucas won't be messed up too much!

      So, is she just gonna be "girl from the February Lucas Stories", or is she gonna have a name? XD

    3. He did go off to war. That doesn't necessarily means he died, though. I may not study wartime much, but I'm pretty sure there are lots of people who returned

      She's gonna have a name, but she'll always be referenced as "the girl" in the stories themselves. I've yet to come up with a name, but I'm leaning towards "Abigail"


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