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Lucas Stories: Final Goodbyes (January 2019)

     With tear-stained cheeks, the boy looked up at his father, interrupting the embrace. "When will you be back?"
     His father's eyes held the sorrow of a thousand lifetimes, and although his face held a roughness, the boy knew it was a shield against tears. "Perhaps next month," his father said. "I'll be back and we can have a party."
     The boy realized he would never see his father again. He wrapped his short arms around his father's big neck.
     Goodbye, Father.
     Goodbye, two-thousand-eighteen.
     Goodbye, sweet nights.
     Goodbye, laughter.
     Goodbye, songs.
     But please return to me. Please come back.
     "When you come back, can we go back to Florida?" the boy asked.
     His father smiled. "When I come back, we can go anywhere you like. If you want to go to China, we will go there. If you want to go to Russia, we'll go there. If you want to go to Florida, we'll go there."
     He'll come back. And when he does, we'll travel the world together!


  1. I hope Lucas sees his dad again. :(

    Well, I really liked this piece, where are they now?

    1. Lol Idk, I haven't thought very far ahead :P

  2. Aww this is so sad but so sweet, I love how he promises to see him again even though he might not on earth, such a beautiful piece :)

  3. Why is this so sad omg
    Like, I'm genuinely upset after reading such a short piece, amazing job
    Also, I could just be emotional atm xD
    He better see his dad again, or I'll be mad >.>

    1. Lol Sorry :P
      Well, like I told Shaly, I haven't planned too far ahead...
      But the future may or may not have them meeting again >.<

    2. ... :/ I'm toast, aren't I? Lol

    3. *Ahem* Just made an advertisement...
      "Stay Tuned! Lucas Stories: Family Reunion coming August 2029!"

    4. And August 2029 is even father away :)
      Like, pretty much 10 years and 7-8 months away...

  4. Replies
    1. Lol Don't worry, I do have future plans for Lucas' father. I mean, I do plan eventually for his father to die, but that's a long ways off. Perhaps even longer than a year away

  5. This is so sad, and I'm somehow getting the vibe that a reunion is unlikely. It seems sort of ambiguous, thus open ended, but that's just what I'm getting from this. This was very emotional and sweet, though. I really liked reading this piece.

  6. Wow! this is so sad! I love the child-like wonder and innocence you channeled into Lucas.
    I really feel like I missed something. this is the second Lucas story you posted, right?


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