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Congrats Scarlett and Lupa!

I have finally finished the form (I wanted it to be perfect; I failed) for submitting the literary works you want read. Go here to submit it!
A few notes...

  1. Scratch actually went under a massive update January the 2nd, so I cannot vouch for the quality of the recording.
  2. If you want to be super nice to me, you can instead exchange your Read-Aloud reward for a cameo in my Watching Time story! It's your reward/prize, though, so make sure to do what you want. I didn't win the challenge, after all. The creators never win.
  3. I cannot be certain when I will actually get around to doing the recording. I have to do it when I have enough time to, and that's not very often, but I will get to doing it, and I will do everything I can to make sure it's done as soon as possible
Now go forth, write, and wait endlessly, for I am almost done with my next part of the Watching Time story!


  1. Yay! So excited to read more of Watching Time! And congrats Scarlette and Lupa!!

    1. Keep in mind through the next part (which may be submitted in a week, Idk, depends how fast it goes) that Watching Time revolves around more than just Myra and John :/
      And yes, congrats Scarlett and Lupa! And congrats to Gabby for literally copying the title of this post (minus misspelling Scarlett) in that comment!

    2. … Lol I assumed that, I just liked them as characters, the rest are awesome, I really like Naomi and how hard she's trying to be a friend to Myra, that's why I chose her as my favorite in your poll thingy.
      And really Mark, really? I didn't even notice the exact wording, I was just saying congrats and it's hard to spell congratulations when in a rush to reply to someone in another chat. XD
      And SO SORRY SCARLETT!!! Quick typing and not rereading nearly always messes
      me up. I really should learn to look back at what I wrote XD

    3. Ah, you voted for Naomi? Cool :D
      Lol Sorry, but not sorry :)

    4. Haha! Yes I did! :D

  2. Okay, I know what I want. :) I want a cameo in your novel. (Could I be S. Thorston Scarlett, the classic author who lived in the 1920's creating her own unique literary movement? You can name the literary movement.) I'm joking, but I think that's what'll I like better. I was going to submit a poem, a girly poem and have you read it as a way to mess with you. But, I decided to give thee mercy and not play a horrible trick like that. :p

    1. AWESOME! :D Yes, Scarlett will be making an appearance into Watching Time! Maybe not the 1920's, simply because that would place you at about 100 years old, and therefore make it unlikely that Myra just accidentally comes across you, but if you want, I could definitely make you on the older side so that you could have had a literary movement going :D

    2. Okay, cool. Thank you.

    3. Ya'know, I'm actually gonna have John be the one they encounter, and in future times, they will probably appear to more and more characters :D
      Sorry, just that moment when one breakthrough is broken through by a better breakthrough lol

  3. I tried to convince Solus Lupa to make you read one of her more girly short stories (thanks for the idea, Shaly!) but in the end, she went for the character. Oh well. XD

    1. Lol Tell her I gave my sincerest gratitude :D
      So sincere, in fact, that I didn't automatically say "Thanks"! Lol


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