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Cliffhangers (Poem by Mark Borne)

Every story's like a road,
With twists and turns all around;
Yet at the end, the road will drop,
And plunge into a great abyss.
You suddenly hang and desperately grasp,
Searching for answers that don't yet exist.
And then the pen will be picked up,
Filling the holes and writing new stories.
Then the cycle starts all over again,
And soon again you begin to hang.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks :D

      I wrote it at a career fair while doctor and therapists talked about what it costs to be in the medical field :P

  2. This is truer than true. But, when I write a full-out novel, I won't put a cliffhanger. I'm not that cruel. I'll just kill off a character. I have a few book ideas, where I have decided some characters are already going to die. Now thinking, that's kind of morbid. Ewww.

    Anyway, great poem and Happy Easter! :)


    Since my family gets a monthly box of foreign snacks, I wanted to tell you about one of the candies. We got Israel this round, and there were these chips that smelled like arm pits. Wait, that's not what I wanted to tell you.

    There was a Turkish Delight candy, made of pomegranates and almonds. It didn't taste great, but it was cool. You know, since the whole, "Chronicles of Narnia." relation. But, the ones in the movie looked way better.

    1. Wow, that's...not as cruel as cliffhangers, I suppose xD You're only killing fictional characters, not ruining real people's social lives, Ig lol

      Yep, Hoppy Easter! (Hoppy is what I like to say...because it's a pun lol)

      Wow, neat! :D I've never had a Turkish Delight before. I thought maybe I had in the distant past, but then you mentioned Chronicles of Narnia and I was like, "Oh, yeah, that's right! That's where I've heard of them from!" xD

    2. Ooo, "Hoppy Easter," I like that. Let's see if I can make a pun... Still trying... Almost there...No I got nothing.

      Yeah, when I saw the Turkish Delight, I was excited and really curious. In my head, I'm telling myself, "Beat that Harry Potter, you boring wizard, this is real stuff not fake weird food!" (You know how people try to replicate the food from fictional worlds, right?) Then when I tried it, I felt that's probably what Jello or animal cartilage tasted like with no flavor. Then I told myself, Edmund was a rotten person for making it look so good.

  3. this is deep yet beautiful, it has a simplicity I like about it, good job! :)

  4. So accurate


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