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Showing posts from April, 2020

Water Under the Bridge (A Poem by the Golden Ray)

I reflect as I view the past: Forever have I held my tongue, O'er fear I shall attack you, Rather than confront the past. Good men are not like me, for I have neglected to forgive Virtually everything you did, Envying those who forgive with ease. Yet now I see my error, and mourn Over it. However, it's now water Under the bridge we have crossed.

Another Update

First and foremost, I'd like to alert all of you to the new spam. I didn't take the time to read the spam messages, but if you see someone posting (in a frankly very long comment) under the name West Valary, it is spam, and should thus be ignored. Secondly, high school has officially ended for me. It is as much a headache (literally) as it is a relief. Due to house rules, however, I will not be on an excessive amount. If you visit the roleplay page, you'll notice it's different- that's because a better idea of carrying out a roleplay occurred to me. This may make no sense whatsoever right now, but in time, I'll finish the details and it'll make perfect sense. It'll also be more based around character development rather than straight-up storytelling, so that should help if you want to learn more about one of your characters through a group activity. NEW ON WATTPAD: New Story: "Andrea Anderson: Curse of the Moon" This story will not be ...

"Unplanned: The Movie" Review by Carissa (Guest Post for the Confessions of a Writer Blog Tour)

Unplanned: The Movie . Note: Although the movie was rated R, it could go for maybe a 13+ audience. . Sometimes as humans, we can tend to follow a belief blindly.  Whether it be an idea or a feeling, we will stick with it till the end. In the case of Abby Johnson, that was just it. When she was in school, she was drawn into Planned Parenthood with the idea of assisting women who needed help and advocating for a woman's right to choose. After years of faithfully working at the facility, she made her way up the corporate ladder. One day, a doctor in a procedure room needed help. In all of her years of working at the clinic, she had never seen an operation performed. She had had 2 abortions before but hadn't seen the ultrasound. As she opened the door, the woman inside was softly crying while the doctor was preparing the woman. He asked Abby to help with the ultrasound while he was performing the abortion. As she held the ultrasound machine, she saw the small fetus moving away from...

Confessions of a Writer: Blog Tour

Confessions of a Writer: Blog Tour So, this is another blog tour I'm doing. The featured blog is " Confessions of a Writer ", which is a Christian blog (that also enjoys One Direction). The blog is also doing a short story, which you can read about below, as well as details about the writers of "Confessions of a Writer". Also, at some point, a guest post from one of the authors of the featured blog will be posted! So keep your eyes peeled! Unless it's already posted by the time you read this, in which can go read it anytime xD Short Story Contest The short story contest is simple. Story prompts Write a 700 word story in the magical realism genre. It's about a lion trainer and should include a space ship. Also use the sentence 'There is no time.' Bonus prompt: Winter is long and extremely cold. Write a 1000 word story in the science fiction genre. It's about a golfer and should include a time mach...

[Wattpad] What's New?

04/03/2020 - 04/10/2020 New Story: Mark's Mind: Rants From a New Angle "Hardly rants. More like observations from a new angle." The Dragonkeeper Chapter 1: Darkness Mark's Mind: Rants From a New Angle Trampolines Playground Sugar The Internet Eggs Star Wars: Whispers of the Force A History Lesson: Deceit Chapter 1: The Hunt Begins A Mismatched Collection of Makeshift Poetry Sketch Raven Smile Chains and Cages True Love Mistakes

Q/A Answers for Ashlyn Hayes

Hello all! Here are my answers for the Q/A session!! KYRA Do you relate to potatoes on an emotional level? I can’t say that I do. I’m boring that way, but I do relate to pineapples on an emotional level.  Weirdest food you ever have eaten? Peeps or sloppy joes. XD I should have more, but I suddenly can’t remember anything :P Funniest joke? 3.14% of people are pirates. xD Or Why couldn’t the angle get a loan? Because his parents wouldn’t cosign. Bum bum TISH xD Do you think narwhals are a government conspiracy theory? Nah, that’s for the pineapples to decide. If you had the ability to go to the Area 51 raid last year, would you show? Only to the party. I heard they weren’t letting people set everything on fire, but if I had shown, I’d have probably been in the Karen Line. XD Most threatening vegetable? Asparagus D: Cutest species of whale? Beluga :D Is Ohio a coverup for aliens? You are thinking in the wrong direction. :O Everyone knows that Nevad...

Random Inspiration

Awaiting Love (Poem by Gabby)

Am I the only one who falls asleep lonely? With only a chipped heart beating too slowly. Am I supposed to grow older in solitude- Or do I have a chance to find a love so true? I feel like my hands will always be empty, And I wonder if anyone will ever hold me. If this freckle-painted skin will ever be touched. As insecurities flood in; Will I ever be enough? Will anyone ever smile at me in that way? Or tell me that they love me every single day? I can’t be the only one who wants things like these, But oftentimes, I feel like it really is only me. Is loneliness a permanent inscription in my book? Will I ever gain a man’s second look? Oh, how I wonder if it’s already set in stone, That I’ll spend my time entirely alone. But I have hope that I’ll find a true love; Somebody I can open up to and fully trust. Maybe he’s been praying for a girl just like me- Awaiting a love he’s yet to meet.

Fractured Family (A Poem by Ashlyn Hayes)

Meet the characters: The Teen with too much courage and not enough sense, She's the main character; the story is told from her point of view. She's the one the reader roots for to succeed, and the one That they groan at what her temper leads her to. The Daughter with not enough courage and too much sense, Who is never willing to speak what is in her heart. She's the one that they silently love, The one anyone would admire from the start. The Sister who hides behind her screen, Raised without a guiding hand, She doesn't want to see the truth, And never wants to take a stand.  There's the Father, tall and strong, Yet too afraid of repeating his own father's example, To leave an abusive relationship. Too late, but he never quite had a proper sample. There's the Mother, kind-hearted but quite insane, Driven by fear she cannot tame, Her only crime was caring too much, But she is despised just the same.  And ...

Before You (Poem by Kyra Organa)

I don’t want you to be hurt But I don’t want things to change I want things to be the same Like before all of this pain We used to be friends Laughing away all the hours But then you happened Now that I know your strange love My world has fallen apart I don’t know how to see you Nor the feelings in my heart I may act the same I may smile like before But inside evolved Do I have feelings for you? Or am I just a mirror Reflecting your flattery To me it isn’t that clear Author's Note:   Sorry weird shippers, this is not about Mark