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Showing posts from June, 2020

Waiting (Poem by Mark Borne)

I have been waiting, for you to finally choose. I have been hoping, that you'll start to see me, too. I have been anxious, perhaps you will realize that, I have been waiting, waiting here for you.

Game of Chance (Song Excerpt by J. Karas and Caramel)

Roll the dice, Play the game. Life happens, can't stop it. People fade, life does on. It's a game you can't quit, One wrong roll, you're gone. Without time to mourn, The clock ticks on the wall. The battery goes dead, But time doesn't stop at all, It keeps on going ahead. It never stops, It never takes a break. Its always is on top, Of every mistake. Every wrong move, Every wrong breath. We grow older, Our actions get bolder, And we don’t know how, to figure out this game. College is gonna go, Love is feeling close, Time is going on, Why does it feel so wrong? The seconds are ticking away, Every night turns into day. We will be good, We will be bad. We’re humans, Its okay to be sad. We will all fall apart, We all have a broken heart. Rolling the dice with bruised hands, Life is a game of chance. Friends are gone. Retirement now, we’ve gotten old. But we're still not done, Became warm before turning cold. Time ...